•• Part 1 ••

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*Flash forward*

The ringing of my phone woke me up in the middle of the night. I jerked my head up, blinking around before looking at my phone, the only thing lighting up the room. I grabbed it and slided my finger across the screen to answer. "Lilly?" I could recognize that voice easily. "Justin whats wrong?" I rubbed my eyes to try and wake myself up. "I..can you just come over please" he blankly said and it sounded like he was crying. "Oka-" the line went dead before I could reply and I got up, scrambling around the room to try and find my sweatpants and a proper shirt before heading out the door. Well this is what Justin and I chose to do, I cant really still complain that he woke me up at 3:30am and called me to come over. I should be used to it.


It was the 1st of December, yet nothing felt like Christmas. In fact, the Jingle Bell's song that was playing inside the grocery store, was pretty much annoying me. I never liked Christmas, I didnt go visit family like normal people because I had no family. My parents died in a plane crash 3 years ago, when I was 18. My grandparents disowned their daughter cause they didnt like my dad, so I never knew them. I probably have an aunt and uncle and a few cousins, but it seemed everyones forgotten me. Everyone but Justin. He was, I guess you could say my best friend. He was there for me like I was there for him. I paid for my few items I had in my basket and walked out of the store, finding my car. Just as I got in the car, my phone started ringing. Bringing the phone to view, I answered. "Hey Lil..where are you right now?" the deep raspy voice belonged to none other than Justin. "I got a few things at the store" I said. "Come over please? Mandy dumped me.." He trailed off and my body froze. Oh no not again. "We'll talk when Im there" I simply said and he ended the call.

I started the car and made my way to Justin's place. It was a big place with large gates but I had all the keys to go in. I parked the car close to the front door as the big gates closed and I made my way to the front door, it being unlocked.

"Justin?" I called out and closed the door behind me. I walked down the hall to the living room and saw Justin standing there, in the middle of broken glass.

"Justin what the hell happened?" I asked and he looked at me, anger obvious in his eyes.

"Why would she do that to me? I thought I kept her happy and she loved me" Justin rambled and I could tell he had a few drinks in him. Sure enough, he grabbed the empty bottle of whiskey and smashed it to the floor, making me jump.

"Justin please" I said and he looked at me.

His eyes looked sad now and he looked back at the broken glass.
"Why does everyone leave.." he mumbled, seeming to have calmed down. He sighed and sat on the couch and I sat next to him.

"Shes just a bitch..I told you I didnt like her from the start" I said and he nodded.
"I shouldve listened to you..Lilly why doesnt anyone love me? Why do they all leave?" There was hurt in his voice and I knew he was going through memories of his past. "But I love you" I said and he looked at me. The look in his eyes broke my heart. This happened alot of times before, girls used him for his looks and money and then left him. I meant it when I said I loved him, hes my best friend.

"All I want is to be loved..Im glad to have you Lilly" he said. He just stared at the broken pieces of glass and I knew thats probably what his heart felt like. He wants to be loved. I wanted him to feel loved. I looked at him.
"Let me make you feel loved"
He looked at me when I said that and I looked at him. "What do you mean?" He asked. "You're my best friend..and right now you need to feel loved and I want you to feel loved.." I said quietly. I leaned in and kissed his lips softly.

He didnt kiss back at first but soon I felt him kiss back. He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth. I was kissing my best friend. But I knew he needed this. I straddled his lap and he sat back on the couch and he pulled away.
"Are you sure this wont ruin our friendship? I dont want to lose you too" he said. "Thats why I want to do this, because I dont want you to be depressed for a week like last time, I want to make sure you know you're loved" I said. "We're still best friends..just loving a little more" I said and he cracked a small smile. "Im here for you and Im going to keep you company till you forget about that bitch" i said and he nodded slowly. He kissed me again, hungrier, and I tasted the whiskey. Ive actually fantasized about sleeping with him before, I mean he was pretty handsome. I started unbuttoning his cardigan before pulling it off and then lifting his shirt. He broke the kiss and took his shirt off. "Is it crazy that Ive imagined this before?" He asked breathless as I unbuttoned his jeans. "No" I said and lifted my shirt. "We both need this.." I said. We just sat there and looked at each other.

Both of us are broken from our past and all we need is to feel loved. He leaned closer and kissed me again.


Soo this was an imagine I did on instagram so it wont be too long but it was a hit on instagram so I decided to post it here :)


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