•• Part 13 ••

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December 19th

Justin and I slept all night until the next morning.
I rubbed my eyes, yawning and looked at him. He still had his arm over me and his head on my chest, but his leg was also wrapped around mine. He had the cutest look on his face when he slept. He looked like an angel and I just wanted to kiss his cheeks.
I really needed the bathroom, so I tried wiggling out of his grip. He let out a snore as I got off the bed and I looked at him. He was still fast asleep. I went to the bathroom and finished and came out after a while. I went on my phone and saw the date. It would be Christmas in 6 days. I looked at Justin and decided I had to cheer him up somehow, and what better than christmas shopping? "Jay..Justy..Justin" I tried waking him calmly and kissed his cheek. He moved around, opening his eyes and he looked at me. "Morning Jay" I smiled and he smiled. It made me happy that I made him smile. "Come here.." He croaked with his morning voice and opened his arms. I laid down and he wrapped his arms around me. My heart skipped a few beats as I smelled his scent of his cologne. Wait why am I feeling like this? My heart was beating faster just from being in his arms. I shrugged it off and just laid there and he kissed my head. "Lets go out today, I dont feel like staying in this dump" he said and I smiled. "I was actually thinking of going christmas shopping" I said and he smiled. "That sounds perfect" he said. "I need some holiday spirit" he said. "How are you feeling?" I asked.
"Great because Im with you" he said and I blushed.
I blushed? What the heck.
I ignored it and just smiled at him. "You're cute but..ew morning breath" I pretended to choke and he laughed. "Okay okay..I'll go get ready" he said and let me go, getting out of bed.

A few hours later we were walking around the mall, going into a store that was filled with Christmas things. "I think I still have my old tree so I should just get decorations" he said and I nodded. "Lets go traditional christmas, like corny Christmas" i smiled and he got a shopping cart. "Okay you pick everything we need to decorate the house" he said smiling and I went down the aisle with him. "Aw look at these hats" I said and picked up a santa hat, placing it on my head and he smiled. "You look adorable" he said and I smiled. I got an elf hat and came over to him and put it on his head and I laughed. "Grumpy elf" I said and he smiled. "Am not grumpy" he said and took it off. "Lets take these, their cute" he said and tossed his hat in the cart.
We went throughout the store, getting fairy lights, tinsel and ornaments for the tree. "Aw your place will look so cute" I said as we went to the front to pay. "I think decorating will lift my mood" he said and I nodded. "First we stop at the grocery store for some festive food" I said as he grabbed the few bags and we walked out.
We went to the grocery store and went to the candy aisle. "Sour patch kids for Justy.." i said as I grabbed a packet. "Dont call me that" he said and I looked at him. "Why not?"
"Its dumb" he said and I rolled my eyes. "Lets get some chocolate Justy" I said and went down the aisle, grabbing some candy bars. "Lets get hot chocolate and those tiny marshmallows" he said and I smiled. "Now you're getting in the spirit" I said and he smiled. "With you, it feels like a good christmas" he said and I blushed again. We went and got the hot chocolate and a pack of the small marshmallows and I went to pay. "I'll buy the food" I said as I paid and he waited for me, holding the bags. I got my bag and we walked out. I looked at Justin as he pointed at the music store, saying something about the guitar in the window. He smiled at me, looking so much better than he did last night. Apparantly its because of me. Well because of him, this Christmas actually feels like christmas.
I looked at him as we kept walking and I really wanted to grab him and kiss him.

Then it hit me.

I was in love with Justin.


Shit I havent updated in so longggg. Truthfully I forgot but now I have the wattpad app on my phone so I'll finish this story soon :) xx

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