•• Part 16 ••

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*Lilly's POV*

My heart was beating out of my chest when he said that. "W..what?" I stammered like an idiot. "I mean.."
He looked at me expectantly and all I could do was grab his face and kiss him. He was taken a back by it but soon kissed me back. "I love you too" I said and he smiled as he pulled away. "Lets go home baby" he said and I felt little butterflies when he said that.
We said goodbye to his mom then left and drove back to his place.
We got out of the car and still my heart was beating like crazy. We went inside the house and I took my jacket off and he did the same. He looked at me and stepped closer to me, putting my hair behind my ear before he held onto my hips and pulled me closer. "I love you..so much..for so long.." He said as he kissed my neck and I tilted by head back. He found my sweet spot and sucked on it, making me moan. He pulled away and I looked at him and he kissed me. I kissed back and he lifted me up so I wrapped my legs around his waist. He started walking while still carrying me and he went up the stairs, breaking the kiss so he wouldn't trip. We made it to his bedroom finally and he laid me down, pulling his shirt off before taking off mine. "Im not just gonna fuck you Lilly..Im gonna make love to you and do it slow so you know you're mine now" he said and took off my jeans. "You're so beautiful.." He said as he kissed my stomach, crawling up to me and kissing all the way up my chest.
Soon we were both naked and just kissing as his hands roamed my body.
He moved between my legs and I moaned as he slowly filled me up. He groaned and started moving slowly.
I flipped him over so I was straddling his waist and he smiled at me, putting his hands on my waist. I moved my hips slowly and watched him as he closed his eyes. "I love you so much Justin.." I said and he looked at me. "I love you more baby" he said and I smiled.
"Open the locket"
"Of your necklace"
I stopped moving and looked at my necklace, seeing the little clip and I opened it. Inside was a word engraved. "Mine" it read, with a J under it. "Baby..aw.." I smiled and he smiled. "You're mine now" he said. "Im all yours"

"Yes..yes..baby Im close!" After a while of just going slow, our sexual frustration didnt really want it anymore so soon we ended up going hard and fast.
"Yeah cum for me..do it" Justin groaned as he went faster and soon my body convulsed around him as I shrieked out. He groaned as he stilled and I felt his warm cum inside me and he collapsed on me, out of breath.
"I love you so much princess" he said as he kissed my neck softly. "I love you more Jay"

Who said friends with benefits couldn't have a happy ever after?

••• THE END •••

Thank you for reading x

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