•• Part 6 ••

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December 13th

*Lilly's POV*

I couldnt believe Justin was letting Mandy move in with him. Something didnt feel right about her, like she was lying about the pregnancy or something. I didnt know what was going on, but Im going to find out myself.
I was on my way to Justins house and when I pulled up in the driveway, I saw a moving truck, with Justin and Mandy in front of the house. She had a big smile on her face, but Justin looks miserable as hell. I pulled up my car next to the moving truck and got out. Justin smiled but Mandy's face fell.
"Hey Justin" I smiled. "What are you doing here?" She asked and I looked at her. "He's my best friend, grow up" I said and she rolled her eyes. I looked at Justin and he just smiled a small smile as he watched a few guys carry boxes into the house. "Moving in so soon?" I asked. "Yeah..we wanted to get her settled already" Justin said. "Looks like your plan is working faster than you think" I looked at Mandy and smiled sarcastically.
"What plan? Would you sod off? Or are you just jealous that Justin and I are together now?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. "Oh my god get a life. You're faking this pregnancy for Justins money arent you? Dumb bitch" I mumbled and Justin frowned at me. "Dont talk like that to her" he said and I looked at him. "Shes carrying my child and I'd appreciate if you weren't a bitch to her" he said and I frowned. "Yeah sure believe the slut and not your best friend. Shes just after your money Justin just like how it was 3 weeks ago" I said.
"If you were my best friend you would support me with this" he said. "You think Im not supportive? Well I sure as hell wont believe this fake happy family shit you're trying to pull" I said and he frowned more. "Leave. Now. Just go" he said and it felt like my heart was crushed. My anger towards Mandy turned into regret for yelling at Justin. "Im sorry.."
"No. Leave" he said and I frowned, fighting tears. "Fine, goodbye Justin" I said and walked off, getting into my car and driving away. I hope he's happy with his choice.
*Justin's POV*
A few hours later after Mandy's last things were brought in, she was hard at work packing things out. She quicky sorted her stuff and seemed pretty cheery when she came downstairs and sat next to me on the couch.
"How about we go to dinner tonight?" I asked and she smiled. "Sounds good, where do you wanna go?"
"You pick" I said and she didnt even think for a second before she said the name of an expensive restaurant. I looked at her and she had a huge smile on her face. Used to be a smile I loved but I'd rather have Lilly back as my best friend than lose her over Mandy. But after all, she was pregnant with my kid. I faked a smiled. "We'll go at 7" I said. "Great" she smiled before picking up the remote and watching tv.
I couldnt help but wonder what if Lilly was right? Was Mandy faking the pregnancy? I had no clue. Before all this when we were still dating, she was kind of a gold digger. I frowned at the thought of how she could lie to me about something as important as this. "Mandy" I said and she looked at me. "Are you really pregnant?" I asked and she looked confused. "You saw the damn ultrasound picture and all the shit from the doctor" she said. "I know but you could fake it"
"Why would I do that?"
I sighed and shook my head and watched tv. Then another thought popped into my head.
"Well if its not fake then..how do you know its mine?" I asked and she looked at me.
"Mandy answer me now"
"Its yours, who elses? I only fucked you last month" she said but shifted uncomfortably. I didnt believe a single word for some reason. She looked uncomfortable and worried all of a sudden. "Im gonna go get ready for dinner" she said and got up.
I sighed and changed the channel to the sport channel.


Something smells fishy with this Mandy chick dont you think?

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