•• Part 9 ••

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December 17th

*Lilly's POV*

The next morning I woke up with Justins arms around me. I smiled and looked at him as he was fast asleep. I kissed his cheek before wiggling out from under his arms. I got out of bed, slipping on one of his hoodies before going downstairs. I went to the kitchen, deciding to make breakfast. I got a pan and turned the stove on before going to his fridge and taking out eggs and bacon.
As I was frying up the eggs and bacon, I put some bread in the toaster and suddenly two arms wrapped around me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Justin smiling at me. "Morning" I said. "Morning" he yawned and let me go, taking the toast out and putting it on two plates. I put the eggs and bacon into the plates too and we got two forks. We went out of the kitchen and sat by the table. "Thank you for making breakfast" he said. "You're welcome, I figured you havent eaten in a while" I said and he shook his head. "Did you sleep well?" I asked. "Yeah I actually slept pretty well for once" he said and I smiled and had a bite of my toast. "Do you want to do anything today? Like go out?" I asked. "Um..well actually I'd prefer to stay home with you.." He said and I smiled. "Of course" i said.
We finished eating and I took the plates to the sink. "Are you wearing my hoodie?" He asked as I walked out. "Yeah? I hope you dont mind"
"Of course I dont" he said. He walked over to me and just put his arms around me and hugged me. "I missed you.." He said. I smiled and put my arms around his waist. "Let's go watch a movie" he said and let me go and made his way upstairs. I followed him and we went to his room and he turned the tv on as I got into bed. He got into bed and pulled the comforter over his legs and looked at the tv as he chose a movie on Netflix. "Lets watch Spiderman" I said when I saw it come on the screen. "You just wanna watch it cause of Andrew Garfield" he rolled his eyes. "That guy is hot" I shrugged and he smiled. "Im hotter"
"Pfft sure" I said and he laughed. The movie started playing and I looked at the tv.

*Justin's POV*

We stayed home all day, watching almost every horror and comedy movie on Netflix. Late in the afternoon I had ordered pizza and we were eating it in bed as we watched the horror Mama. "That bitch is crazy" i said as I watched the tv. "Shes creepy" Lilly said and I smiled. "She looks like Mandy"
I burst out laughing, almost choking on my piece of pizza and she smiled at me. "Thats so true" I smiled and she had another bite of her pizza. My phone started ringing and I picked it up. Unknown number. "Who's that?" Lilly asked. "Nah I dont know the number, I'll just put the phone on silent" I said and put my phone down.

A few hours went by and I saw Lilly had fallen asleep with her head on my shoulder. I looked at her and then at the tv, finishing watching the rest of the movie. I saw my phone light up again and I picked it up. 6 missed calls from the unknown number and 3 texts. I opened the texts and my heart dropped when I read the first one.

> Justin, this is your dad.


Wonder what his dad wants hmm

30+ reads for the next part :)

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