•• Part 12 ••

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*Lilly's POV*

I gave Justin another call after I left the airport, but he didnt answer. I found it a little strange but he was probably with his dad or he just forgot to put his phone on charge.
I watched a movie until about 11 before going to bed. I'll ask Justin tomorrow about him and his dad.

The ringing of my phone woke me up in the middle of the night. I jerked my head up, blinking around before looking at my phone, the only thing lighting up the room. I grabbed it and slided my finger across the screen to answer. "Lilly?" I could recognize that voice easily. "Justin whats wrong?" I rubbed my eyes to try and wake myself up. "I..can you just come over please" he blankly said and it sounded like he was crying. "Oka-" the line went dead before I could reply and I got up, scrambling around the room to try and find my sweatpants and a proper shirt before heading out the door. Well this is what Justin and I chose to do, I cant really still complain that he woke me up at 3:15am and called me to come over. I should be used to it.

I pulled up at Justins house and I suddenly had a nasty feeling in my stomach. Hes never called this late before. Stomach churning, I went inside the unlocked house. "Justin?"
No answer and the place was dark. I walked to the living room and saw him sitting on the couch. I walked closer and he was staring at the wall, whiskey bottle in one hand and a gun next to him on the couch. "Justin why do you have a gun?" I asked and he looked at me, his eyes were red and puffy like he'd been crying for hours. "I cant anymore Lilly.."
My heart was jumping out of my body and I felt myself shaking as I sat next to him. "W-what do you mean?" I asked. "I dont want to live" he said and the tears just went down my face. "Why not? Justin what happened?" I asked. "My dad told me he never wanted me and asked my mom to have an abortion" he said, still staring in front of him. His dad said that? What a jackass. "So why am I alive? I have nothing" I frowned when he said that. "You have me. And your mom. And your friends who care about you alot" I said and he looked at me. "I dont want to be alive..I just cant anymore.." He said. I grabbed his face in my hands and made him look at me. "Justin you're everything to me dont you know that? You're my only close friend, the only person that was there for me after my parents died" I said and more tears went down my face. He looked at me and we just looked at each other in silence.
"I need you Justin" I said and let his face go. "Im sorry, Im sorry" be said and put his arms around me, hugging me tight and sobbing into my neck. Ive never seen him like this before and it broke my heart. "I just..there's.." He couldnt finish his sentences because of how hard he was crying. After a few minutes he started calming down but still held onto me tight. "I just felt like..why am I alive if my dad didnt want me? And i started thinking more..everyone uses me. I dont have a steady girlfriend because they all use me for my money.." He said. "I dont know who to trust.."
"You can trust me" I said and he looked at me. "Please..please dont kill yourself..you mean so much to me..if you're gone I won't have anyone" i said and he sniffed. "Im sorry..I'm really sorry Lilly.." He said and hugged me tight again. "What my dad said..hurt me so bad.." He said. "Shh..I know..but I love you Jay"
"I love you too..thank you for always being there for me" he said and i ran my fingers through his hair. "Come on..lets go upstairs so you can sleep" I said and he nodded, getting up slowly and I held both his hands to guide him upstairs. He was drunk, tired and hurt. We got to his room and he laid down on the bed and waited for me. I laid down and he put his arm over me and his head on my chest, moving as close as he could. I pulled the comforter over him and soon I heard his quiet snores. I sighed and just ran my fingers through his hair.


Poor Justin :( sorry if I made you guys cry.

Soooooooooooo sorry for not updating, things have just been hectic and I don't always have time or I forget lol.

VOTE AND COMMENT :) I love you all, till next time xx

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