•• Part 14 ••

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December 20th

*Justin's POV*

"How the hell.." i held up some of the fairy lights and they were all tangled up. Lilly laughed and came over to me and we tried to get them untangled. "Okay put them around the tree" she said and we went to the tree, putting the lights around it from the top to the bottom.
"Now we'll put up the rest of the decorations" she said and I nodded. I watched her as she went to get some of the tinsel and some glittery red balls. She handed the tinsel to me and I put it on the tree while she hung the balls on it. I looked at her as she sat down and opened a box that had gold snowmen, santa clause and other christmas themed decorations. I remembered the other night, when I almost ended my life. But she was there to save me. She always is.
She got up and started hanging the decorations on the tree and I just watched her. She looked so beautiful. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail, though I preferred it down. She was wearing leggings which made her ass look great and I had to resist to not grab her ass. She was wearing one of my hoodies and she looked so adorable in it. It was really baggy on her but to me she looked perfect.
"Done" she grinned and looked at the tree. "Wait we forgot something" she went and opened another box and took out a star. "Im too short to put it on, you do it" I grabbed her around her waist, lifting her up and she laughed, placing the star on the top of the tree. I put her back down and she smiled. "Perfect" she said. I looked at her and she looked like a little kid at Christmas-time. I havent seen her like this before, usually we dont do much for Christmas but it was different this year and I was glad. I just wanted to grab her face and kiss her, but best friends dont do that. I wondered when I will grow the balls to tell her I love her.

*Lilly's POV*

We sat down on the couch after I disposed of all the boxes and wrappers.
"It looks great Lil" Justin said and I smiled. "It actually feels like christmas for once" I said and he nodded.
"Hey um..Im gonna go to my mom for Christmas" he said and I looked at him. "Oh..I thought you'd be here" I said, trying to hide my disappointment. He was the reason I wanted to make Christmas good.
"Actually, I was hoping you'd come with me" he said. "Really?" I asked and he nodded. "You've only met my mom a few times before but you havent met my brother or sister" he said and I nodded. "Well I'd love to come" I said and he smiled. "Great" he said and put his arm around me. Damn I really wanted to kiss those perfect lips of his but he keeps friendzoning me unless we have sex. I think by Christmas Im going to tell him how I feel.
"Mom said she's making a big dinner" he said and smiled "her food is always the best"
"Aw Im excited" I said and he nodded. "And dont worry, they'll love you" he said.
He got up. "How about I order us some pizza and we can watch all the horror movies I own?" He asked and I smiled. "Sounds perfect" I said "I'll protect you if its too scary for little Justy" I joked and he rolled his eyes. "I'll be the one protecting you" he said and went to the kitchen.
Damn how much I loved this boy. Everything he says to me or when he touches me, my heart skips a beat. I wish he'd feel the same way.


Think Justin's gonna grow the balls to tell her he loves her?


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