•• Part 3 ••

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December 4th

I sighed when I looked at the date on the calendar. Today was the day my parents got in the plane crash. I sat on the couch and sighed again. I missed my parents alot. It made me sad to think she wont see me get married, or become a grandma. My dad wont walk me down the aisle. Suddenly a tear went down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. This day was always so hard for me because I got tons of memories. I put my face in my hands and started crying. I missed my moms kisses, my dads hugs. Im mad at myself for the times I argued with her over stupid shit. I miss seeing her face every morning, pulling open the curtains to wake me up for school. I sniffed and wiped my eyes and picked up my phone, calling the one number that would make me feel better.
"Justin?" I sniffed. "Lil? Hey..are you okay? Are you crying?" He asked. "Please come over.." i said. "Okay..I'll be there soon, dont worry" he said and hung up and I got up and grabbed some tissues, trying to clean my face up.
Soon there was a knock on the door. "Its open" I said and the door opened and he walked in. He had a few bags with him and he put it in front of the coffee table and I just looked at him. He sat next to me, grabbing me around my waist and pulling me close to him and i started crying into his shoulder. "Shh..Lilly its okay..dont cry.." He soothed and rubbed my back and I sniffed a few times when my crying fit ended. "I just miss them so much..everyday I do..but today the most" I said and wiped my eyes. "I know..I know.." He hugged me tight and I put my arms around his waist. He gave the best hugs. For a while we just sat like that, him holding me close until I sat up. "Thanks for coming over.." i said. "Of course, you know Im always there for you if you need me" he said and put my hair behind my ear. "I brought some of your favorite food..chinese takeout and a big pack of oreos for dessert" he said and I smiled. "You're the best.." I kissed his cheek and he smiled. "Its just..I think about how my dad wont one day walk me down the aisle..and my kids wont have grandparents..I just think of it alot and it makes me sad..no one loved me more than they loved me" I sniffed. "Hey..I love you" he said and I looked at him. "You know that, you're my bestest friend ever and you know I love you" he said and I just looked at him. "You make me feel loved..so I hope you feel loved too" he kissed my cheek. "Thank you.."
"No need to thank me Lilly.." He said and I looked into his eyes. I out my hand on the back of his neck, lightly playing with his hair before leaning in and kissing his lips softly. I didnt know why, but feeling his kiss and his touch on me, made me feel a hundred times better. We kissed slowly until I pulled away and opened my eyes.
He looked at me for a few seconds before crashing his lips back onto mine. "I need you..make me feel loved..please" I said in between kisses and he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I knew he wanted it too, and I craved him too. There was just something about him that always made me feel better. He found my room and dropped me onto the bed but never breaking the kiss. I grabbed onto his shirt and pulled it over his head and threw it on the floor. He did the same with me as we took off each others clothes. He stopped for a few seconds and just looked at me and wiped off the tears that were still wet on my cheeks. "I dont like it when you cry" he said. "Since when? I never knew that" i said. "I just dont like it..you're my closest friend" he said and kissed my neck. "Real close" he added and I smirked before he moved between my legs.

"I got you the sweet and sour chicken" he said as he walked into the room holding the takeout in one hand and holding the sheets around his waist up with his other hand. I sat up and pulled my comforter up under my arms and he sat on the bed. It looked like this sex thing was gonna be a regular thing. Silently we opened our food and I had a bite of the chicken. "Wanna know something crazy? How much you can make me feel better when Im upset or something" I said and he looked at me. "Yeah me too..its strange..its like the sex is a release of our emotions or something" he said and I nodded. "Well I guess its one way" I said.
After a while we finished eating and just stayed in bed, laughing and talking and eating the oreos. He twisted the cookie before licking off the icing and I did the same. "These cookies are so good" I said and he looked at me and laughed. "You got icing on your nose" he said and I looked crossed eyed down my nose and he laughed even more, falling over on the bed and I laughed and looked at him. "Thank you so much for today Justin, you made me feel so much better" I said. "Of course, you're there for me so Im there for you too" he said. I twisted another oreo and gave him the part with the icing and he took it with his mouth, biting my fingers. "Hey dont bite me" I smiled "sorry" he mumbled and smiled as he chewed the cookie.


Best friend goals right?

Drama coming soon...


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