•• Part 5 ••

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*Justin's POV*

"Pregnant? What..how..are you sure?" I asked and she nodded, looking down. "I took a test and went to the doctor to make sure" she said. I felt like I was gonna pass out. I sat down and ran my hands through my hair. This couldnt be happening. I couldnt believe it. "Im not having it" she said and I looked at her. "What the fuck yes you are, that's my kid" I said. "You dont love me"
"You broke up with me so you dont love me" I said. "But that's my child" I frowned. "Fine then. I'll have the kid" she said and sighed, wiping the tears off her cheeks with her hands. I felt like I couldnt breathe. I was gonna be a dad. I got up and looked at her. "I need..to think" I said and turned around and walked out.
I was thinking of a million things. How could I be that careless? Did I forget a condom once? Or did it break? I couldnt even remember. I pulled up my car at Lilly's place and knocked on the door but opened when I saw it was unlocked.
"Lilly? Lilly something's happened" i said and went to the living room, looking at Lilly who got up. "I..I..went to talk to..Mandy" I said and she frowned a bit. "She's uh..shes pregnant" I said and her eyes widened and she went pale. "Oh my god.." She said and sat down. "I know.." i said and sat down. "What are you gonna do?"
I just stared at the ground. I was gonna be a dad and I wasnt ready. And I didnt love her. "I dont know.." I said. "I'll need to think about it"

December 11th

I hadn't talked to Mandy in 2 days since she told me. I needed time to think about things. Everytime a baby came on tv or anyone talked about a baby, I got nauseous. I was scared to be a dad but there's no way Im gonna let her abort the baby. Then I finally made the decision.
I was going to let her move in with me so I could make sure my child has everything he needs. She couldnt provide on her own. And maybe over time I could learn to love her and we could get married. I got up and grabbed my keys, heading to the door.

"Im sorry I just ignored you..I needed time" i said to Mandy. She looked at me and I looked at her, her arms were crossed over her stomach. "I have a proposal.." I said and it looked like she was more attentive. "Move in with me" i said. "Really? Why?" She asked. "Because Im willing for us to try and work so we can have this baby in a loving environment.. and I can provide well for the baby"
"And me?" She asked. "Of course you too..anything you need during this pregnancy" I said and it looked like she wanted to smile but instead she bit the inside of her cheek.
"Okay what?"
"I'll move in with you" she said. "Its best for the baby" she said and i nodded. Looking at her, I had no love for her. I didnt want to be near her but shes carrying my child. I was doing this for my baby. "So I was thinking for the baby's room.." She said and brought to view a few baby catalogs and I frowned. "You've already been planning the room?" I asked and she looked at me. "Yes I was. For here. I was going to put the crib in my room and make a little corner for the baby there.." She lived in a one bedroom flat. "No the baby will have its own room in my house. With a proper crib and decorated room" I said. "Well I could show you what I had in mind.." She moved closer to me and opened the magazine. It opened on a page with cribs. Expensive ones. I looked at her and she pointed at a fancy crib with a canopy. It was nearly $900. How could she have bought that? She works at a bar. "Oh yeah another thing..quit your job" i said and she looked at me. "I dont want you working there while you're pregnant or even after the baby is born" i said. "I'll take care of you and the baby" I said. "Wow.." She smiled. "I hate that job anyways" she said. She continued showing me things and I couldnt help but wonder how easily she picked out things for the room, with hefty price tags too. But i wanted nothing but the best for my kid anyways.


Well shit. She's pretty prepared for a fancy room and so not planning on getting cheap things.
*cough* gold digger

Till next time loves ❤


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