•• Part 2 ••

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December 2nd

I blinked a few times before fully opening my eyes. I pulled the comforter closer against my body and felt someone move next to me. I rolled over and looked at Justin who was fast asleep on his stomach, his face smushed against the pillow he was holding onto. The sheets covered his ass and I looked at him. I had a really sexy best friend. My heart kind of stopped at the thought of last night ruining our friendship. He moved around, groaning quietly and got more comfortable before letting out a quiet snore. I grabbed some of the sheets and put them around me before getting up and going to the bathroom. When I came back out he was laying on his back and the sheets shifted dangerously low. I didnt really get a good look at his díçk last night but I did know it was huge. I giggled quietly to myself as I remembered that he almost tripped while carrying me upstairs. He was a goofball and always made me smile when I was upset, so now it was my turn to make him happy and to forget that slut Mandy. I sat next to him on the bed and looked at the sheets that were just below his hips. I bit my thumbnail deciding whether or not to pull it down a little more. I grabbed the sheet and pulled it down slowly. "Didnt get enough last night?" He suddenly said, making me jump and nearly fall off the bed. "Holy shit you scared me" I said and he laughed. "If you want to look, just look" he shrugged and got up, the sheets falling down and he walked to the bathroom. The last time I saw his dick was when I was 18 and accidentally walked in on him in the bathroom. Clearly he wasnt shy now and wow is definitely the word and I was totally staring. No wonder I was a little sore. I heard the shower go on and I bit my thumbnail again. What do I do now? Should I leave? "Hey its pizza night tonight remember? I'll come to your place and we can eat like fat people" he said from inside the bathroom and I smiled. Nope, not awkward between us, thank god. "Sounds good" I said. He came out after a while with a towel around his waist and his hair wet, making it drip water onto his chest. "And I believe I need to beat your ass in Need For Speed" he said. "Oh yeah right, you know I slay that game" I said. "As if" he went into his closet. I got up and searched around the room for my clothes and slipped on my jeans and bra. My shirt was probably downstairs. Justin came out wearing ripped black skinny jeans, a long white shirt with a grey one over it and Yeezy's on his feet. I wondered if last night would happen again. "I think we should talk about last night" he said. It was like he was reading my mind.
He sat on the bed and I sat next to him and looked at him. "Last night was..pretty great" he said and I smiled at the ground and blushed. "And thank you, it really took my mind off things..I know you love me and last night was great..and I hope that it wont make things weird between us" he said. "No it wont..you're still my best friend. We just keep each other company and love each other cause we need it" I said and he nodded. "See thats why we're best friends, we just get each other" he smiled and I nodded. "I'll go find my shirt and maybe we could go have breakfast?" I asked. "Oh Im actually going to the gym" he said and looked at me. "Its cool, go" i said and got up. "You sure?"
"Yeah we got pizza night tonight, I gotta warm up my Need For Speed skills" I smiled and he laughed. "You'll need the practise" he said and i hit his arm. "Ow.." He pouted and rubbed his arm. "Wimp" i smiled and walked out and went downstairs. I got my shirt on the living room floor and put it on. "I'll see you tonight!" I yelled out. "Okay! Bye!" He yelled back and I walked out and got in my car. I looked at myself in the mirror. "I had sex with my best friend"


Whoo intense.
Would you rather be Justin's best friend or his girlfriend?

Hard to choose..girlfriend :)


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