•• Part 15 ••

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December 25th

Justin and I were on our way to his moms house, and for some reason, I was nervous. I'd met his mom before, so its no big deal I guess. I looked at Justin as he was driving, and I really wanted to hold his hand. But of course, I couldnt. Its always just gonna be a friend thing because he just keeps friendzoning me. I looked out the window as we drove, and soon we arrived at her house.
"Are you okay?" Justin asked me as we were standing in front of the door and I looked at him. "Yeah Im fine" I quickly answered. "You seem a little nervous" he said as he knocked on the door.
The door opened soon, and a little girl was standing there with long brown hair and hazel eyes like Justins. "Hey Jazzy" Justin said as he put his arms around her, lifting her up and twirling her around. "I missed you" he kissed her cheek and she giggled. "Jay put me down" she laughed and he put her down. "Jazmine, this is Lilly" he said and I smiled at her. "Are you his girlfriend?" She asked. "No..just friends" I said before Justin could answer and break my heart. I heard another pair of small footsteps running around inside the house and we all went inside. "Jaxo!" Justin yelled and the blonde haired boy ran into Justins arms. "Hey buddy" he hugged him tight for a few seconds before letting him go. "Jaxon this is Lilly, shes my best friend" he said and looked at me. I'll pretend that didnt hurt.
"Hey Jaxon" I smiled at him and he walked closer to me. "You're really pretty" he said. "Aww thank you" I smiled. "Wheres mommy?" Justin asked Jazmine and she pointed down the hall and I saw a short woman with long brown hair walk towards us. "Mommm" Justin smiled and he ran to her, wrapping his arms around her and I smiled. "I missed you so much, Merry Christmas" he said as he pulled away and then looked at me. "Hey Pattie..Merry Christmas" I said and she smiled. "Lilly, Merry Christmas" she said as she came over and hugged me. "You guys are just in time to help set the table so we can eat" she said as we made our way to the kitchen.

*Justin's POV*

After a while we had finished eating. "Thanks mom, it was really good" I said and she smiled. "My pleasure sweetie, now we can all go to the living room to open presents" she said. We got up and I helped my mom clear the table with Lilly while the kids ran to the living room. I put the dishes in the sink and my mom started making hot chocolates. I looked at Lilly as she was talking to Jazmine. She was so good with them and they really liked her, I saw that Jaxon had a soft place for her too but who  could judge him? Shes gorgeous. I decided that tonight is the night Im going to tell her Im in love with her.
"Okay guys you can start opening presents" my mom said as we all sat down on the couch, Jazzy and Jax sitting on the ground by the fireplace and christmas tree. They started ripping the wrapping off quickly and I smiled at how excited they were. I looked at Lilly and she was sitting a little far away from me, sipping on her hot cocoa and she stared at the fire. I just wanted to pull her close and kiss her. The kids finished unwrapping all their presents and I got up to give my presents to my mom and Lilly. I got the two boxes from under the tree and I gave one to my mom. "Aw sweetie you shouldn't have" she said and I smiled and sat down. "Its nothing much.." I said as she opened it. "Wow Justin" she said as she took a gold bracelet out of the box. "It has little pendants on it too..I saw it and I thought you'd like it" I said and she looked at me. "Aw sweetie I love it" she said and I smiled as she slipped it onto her wrist. I looked at Lilly and I gave her the box I had in my hands and she looked at me surprised. "You didnt need to.." She said shyly as she took the box from me. She opened it and her eyes widened. She took a gold necklace out which had a heart pendant at the end. She looked at me and I smiled. "Justin.." I moved closer to her, taking the necklace out. "Let me put it on you" I said and she sat forward, holding her hair up and I put it around her neck. "Thank you.." She said and I looked at her. She looked at me and for a second I almost leaned in and kissed her, but there was a crash and one of the kids screamed. I got up and followed the noise and saw a vase broken in the hallway and Jaxon standing there. "I-Im sorry.." He pouted and his bottom lip shook. I stepped around the glass and picked him up. "Its okay, shh I'll clean it up" i said and walked with him to the living room.
Pattie and Lilly looked at me worriedly as I put Jaxon down. "He knocked over a vase..I'll clean it up" I said and they nodded.

After a while I finished cleaning up and came to the living room and saw Lilly was just sitting on the couch, watching the fire and my mom carried Jaxon to bed as he'd fallen asleep right there. I went and sat next to Lilly and she looked at me before looking back at the fireplace. "Um..Lilly?" I asked and she looked at me again. "Yeah?"
"I kinda wanna tell you something.." I said.
"I think..well actually I know..that I am crazy in love with you Lilly" I said and she looked shocked. "I love you Lilly..more than a friend"

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