•• Part 10 ••

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*Lilly's POV*

I woke up when Justin got out of bed, making me almost fall over because my head was on his shoulder. I yawned and looked at him. He was frowning at his phone. "Justin?" I asked and he looked at me. "Whats wrong?" He started pacing and ran his fingers through his hair. "My dad just fucking texted me" he said and my eyes went wide. Oh no. "I dont want anything to do with that asshole" he said. Justin and his dad never had a good relationship. Eversince he was born, his dad wasnt around alot. Justin told me how when he was younger, his dad made plans to see him, but cancel last minute. To a young boy, a father is everything but Justin never had that. He just had his mom who did a pretty great job raising him by her own. Justin was just starting to get out of the Mandy situation, and now this.
"He texted me, told me he wants to see me and that he's tried hard to find me" Justin said as he sat on the bed. He got up again, pacing around. "Justin..calm down for a second" he looked at me and sighed. "What am I gonna do? I have no idea..I dont want anything to do with him, he basically left me and my mom when I was young" he said. I looked at him as he paced up and down again. "What the fuck does he want? To just come back all of a sudden wanting a father son relationship? Im not interested" he said and sat on the bed again. "Maybe..just talk to him once" I suggested and he looked at me. "Why?"
"Do hear what he wants"
He sighed and laid back, rubbing his face with his hands.
There was silence for a while. He was probably thinking about it.
"Okay" he said.
"Okay?" I asked and he nodded.
"I'll see him and just find out what he wants..if he wants a relationship, its not gonna happen ever" he said. "At least just talk to him you know" I said. "Hm..I'll meet him tomorrow and talk..he better not bullshit me and expect us to be a happy family" he sat up and got back into bed next to me. He got his phone and typed a message to the unknown number aka his dad. "Its done..I told him to meet me at that little cafe a few streets away" he said and I nodded. He looked at me before laying down with his head on my lap and we started watching another movie.

December 18th

*Justin's POV*

"Justin you look fine" Lilly said when I stood in front of the mirror. I was wearing white ripped jeans and a white shirt. "Hat or no hat?" I asked and held up my grey cap. "No hat" she said and I tossed it on the bed. "Okay..I guess Im ready to go" I said and she walked out with me as I went downstairs. "Are you leaving now too?" I asked and she nodded. "Heading home to do a few things but then I'll be back after a while" she said and I nodded. We walked out the door and I gave her a quick hug before getting into my car.

It was a short drive to the cafe and honestly I was trying to drive as slow as humanly possible. I havent seen my dad in probably 14 years, if not more. I dont even remember. Eventually I pulled up at the cafe and got out, going inside and sitting at the nearest table. I glanced at the clock and it read 11:12am. Of course hes late. I sighed and tapped my foot on the floor. Patience wasnt one of my attributes. A car pulled up outside and a guy got out, walking inside and his eyes scanned the place before he looked at me. "Justin?" He asked. "Jeremy?"


Dun dun dunnn
Family drama.

30 reads for next part :)

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