•• Part 8 ••

804 27 1

December 16th

*Justin's POV*

I sat on my couch staring at the tv that was turned off. I took another sip from the whiskey in my glass and sighed. I couldnt believe how much I fucked up. I thought I was going to be a dad. I yelled at my best friend whom I havent talked to in days. I missed her. So much. Whenever I had moods like these, she would be the first person I call. Lilly was the only one truly there for me but now Ive lost her and the thought of that made tears sting in the back of my eyes. I needed to get her back, I needed to apologize and make things right. I sighed and stood up, my head spinning a little from how much Ive drank. I ran my hands through my hair and went upstairs slowly. I needed Lilly. She's the only thing that made me feel better. I grabbed my phone but ended up just staring at the screen. How do I know she doesnt hate me? She probably is really upset with me. I sighed and tossed the phone on the bed.

*Lilly's POV*

I looked at my phone for about the 50th time today. I was expecting a text or a call from Justin, but there was nothing. I hadn't talked to him in days and I missed him so much. I missed his hugs and his laugh, that laugh and smile that always made me smile. I wondered if he's really finally chosen Mandy over me because of the baby, but he looked so miserable. I grabbed my phone. Enough waiting for him, I was going to call him myself. I called him and it barely rung and he answered. "Lilly? Please forgive me, Im so sorry" he said and my heart broke when I heard his voice. He sounded..hurt. "Justin.." I said but there was silence. "Come over, please, we need to talk" he said. "But Mandy?"
"Shes gone"
I frowned, being confused. "I dont unders-"
"Just come over and I'll explain" he said. "Okay" I said and hung up. I got up quickly, grabbing my keys and jacket and going out the door.

I pulled up in Justin's driveway and got out the car, walking up to the door and I knocked after trying to open the door but it was locked. Soon the door opened and my heart skipped 2 beats when I saw him. He looked so bad. His hair was messy and dirty and he was wearing a baggy hoodie and sweatpants. It looked like he hadn't showered or eaten in days. He grabbed my arm, startling me, but pulling me into his chest and his arms wrapped around me.
I put my arms around him and we just stood like that in each others arms. "Im so sorry Lilly..I missed you so much" he said. "Its not my kid..she was lying for money"
I sighed and he pulled away from the hug. "Please forgive me" he said. "Of course I do, I missed you so much" i said and hugged him again and he sighed with content as his arms went around me again. We went to the living room, which was messy and had empty and half full whiskey bottles. I sat on the couch next to him and looked at him, but he looked at the ground. "Justin.." I lifted his chin with my finger and he looked at me. "Its okay now, Im here"
He looked so hurt. His eyes werent the same usual hazel, it was darker. "I dont like seeing you like this.." I said. "Why?"
"Cause you're my best friend and I dont want to see you broken.."
"Thank you..I love you" he said and put his arms around me, pulling me onto his lap. "So tell me about this thing with Mandy. What exactly happened?" I asked.
"Basically she was spending money like crazy..and then I asked for a paternity test and she freaked out and lost it and confessed that it wasnt my baby cause she fucked some other guy" he said. "Wow..shes a bitch" i said. "I dont really want to talk about it anymore" he said and I looked at him. I couldnt believe how much I missed him. I missed his voice, his hugs, just him. I got up and held my hand out. "Come on" I said when he just looked at me. He held my hand and got up slowly and I walked with him upstairs. "You need a shower.." I said and he smiled. We went into the bathroom and I turned the shower on and faced him. He just watched me as I undressed him, pulling his hoodie off and his shirt. I unbuttoned his jeans and he took them off himself. "Are you joining me?" He asked. "Of course" I said. He was only in his boxers now and the room was filling with steam. He pulled me closer by my shirt and pulled it over my head. Soon we were both naked and I held his hand, pulling him into the shower. I looked at him as he closed his eyes, the water running over his face and chest. He looked worn out and tired. He opened his eyes and I got the soap, rubbing it in my hands before rubbing his shoulders and washing his chest. He just watched what I did, staying quiet, and I watched the water rinse off the soap. "Im so lucky to have you.." He said and I looked at him. I kissed his cheek and he took the soap from me. He started washing me and turned me around so my back faced him. He washed my shoulders and arms, moving down and washing my breasts before washing my stomach. He turned me around again, pushing me against the wall gently. His lips instantly met mine. I missed this so much. He kissed me slowly and pulled away. "Lets finish up here.." He said and I nodded. Soon we got out and he dried himself off and I wrapped a towel around me. Suddenly he lifted me up bridal style and carried me to the bed, putting me down and crawling onto me. He kissed me again and took my towel off. "Baby.." He moaned when he slowly entered me and I gasped. I'd forgotten how he felt. Digging my nails in his back, I thanked God that I got my best friend back.


Lol still friendzoned af

30 reads for the next part x

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