•• Part 4 ••

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December 9th

For the past 9 days, Justin and I have basically been friends with benefits. And honestly, its amazing. We still goof off and do things like best friends, but when we have moments when we're sad or anything, we go to each other and like Justin said, I guess we release our emotions in sex.
My phone vibrated as I was sitting in a coffee shop, really irritated by the 4th Jingle Bells remix that was playing in a row. I picked up my phone and it was a text from Justin.

>Mandy wants to talk. Wont stop texting me. Idk what to do.

I sighed and texted back.

>I'll be over in a sec

I finished my coffee and got up and went out. I got in the car and drove to Justins house and went inside.

"She just wont leave me alone Lilly" Justin said and ran his fingers through his hair. "It's annoying"
"She broke up with you, she should be leaving you alone" I said. "I know but she just fucking doesnt" he sighed. "How many times has she texted and called you?"
"Hard to keep count. She keeps saying its urgent" he said.
"Yeah sure, its probably not" I rolled my eyes. "Im close to blocking her number" he said. "Did she think I was gonna crawl back to her after she sends a few texts saying shes sorry? Well its too late to say sorry" he said.

*Justin's POV*

Lilly and I just sat in silence as I thought of what to do. "Should I maybe just talk to her? Get this over with?" I asked and she shrugged. "Justin shes just using stupid calls and texts to try and get you back but you cant fall for it. Shes the devil and you said you were over her. Arent you?"
I started to question what Lilly said. Was I really over her? Or pretending to be? "Why is this so complicated" I groaned. Mandy and I dated for a month or two. I had kind of a lot of money, so I liked spoiling her and buying her little gifts and things, but things got a little out of wack when she started throwing fits that I wasnt buying her things anymore. She asked if I still love her and if shes good enough for me, and I did love her or at least was starting to until her true color's came out. She was a gold digger and just after my money. We had a huge fight and she dumped me, saying she'll find another rich guy somewhere. It broke my heart because there were girls like her before. "Im gonna give up on dating. This is just bullshit how girls treat me like a credit card with a dick" I said.
I saw Lilly smile and I couldnt help but smile too. "Well you do have a good dick" she said and I saw she regretted it the moment she said it but I burst out laughing. "Oh Lilly..you're so honest" I smiled and she smiled and blushed. "Well then honestly, Mandy can go fuck herself. She just used you. Dont talk to her" she said. She was right. And I wasnt going to talk to her, I didnt want to anyways. "I wont"
"Good" she said.

A few hours later, after beating Lilly in another Need For Speed race, she went home and I watched a rerun of a hockey game on tv. My phone lit up, ringing and vibrating on the coffee table and I picked it up and saw Mandy's name. I sighed and ignored it, turning the sound off and tossing it next to me on the couch. I kept watching the game, and the screen lit up again. It went on for about 15 minutes, until I finallu picked it up, sliding my finger across the screen and answering it. "What?" I asked coldly. "Justin please can we talk" she said and it sounded like she was crying. Oh god. My fucking weakness. "Mandy..whats there to talk about" I said blankly again, trying to ignore her sniffs. "Just...please come over, we need to talk" she sniffed again and I sighed. I couldnt do it, I just couldnt. I couldnt leave her crying like that. I hated when girls cry. "Fine..I'll be there in 15"
"Okay.." She said and I ended the call and got up, getting my keys and going out the door.

I knocked on her door and she yelled that it was open. I went in and walked to the living room, where she was sitting. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked. She looked up at me, tears stained on her cheeks and said two words that made me go ice cold.

"I'm pregnant"


Oh shit plot twist

Lots more to come :)


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