•• Part 11 ••

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*Justin's POV*

Him and I looked at each other and he sat down in front of me at the table. "Wow..you've grown up so much" he said and I smirked. "Well yeah, thats what happens when you leave for 15 years" I said and he put his car keys on the table. "Dont be like that" he said. "Like what?"
"Oh Im sorry. I was just telling the truth since you havent been around in forever" I said. "So what do you want?" I asked.
"To get to know my son" he said. "Now all of a sudden? Why didnt you get to know me when I was 5, 6 years old? But nah..you left" I said. "Left me and mom with nothing"
"Thats not true"
"Yes it is, you're a horrible father and I shouldnt even say you're my dad or father. You're just my sperm donor" I said and he frowned. "Wow..that nice. Thats real nice" he said and sat back in the chair.
"Why did you leave huh? Why'd you leave mom with a baby?" I asked and he looked at me. "I had no choice Justin"
"Bullshit" I said. "I was fucking young. I was scared, I didnt know how to handle a kid" he said and tapped the car keys on the table. "So just because you were scared, you were an asshole and left?"
"Shut up" he said and it was like a flashback to when I was 6. He'd yell at my mom and then I'd try to defend her and he'd tell me to shut up, before hitting me. He lifted his hand and scratched his head, which actually made me flinch. I cant be scared of him anymore. "No. I wont shut up. Im 21 years old and I wont take your bullshit anymore" I said and he looked at me. "I dont even know why I tried this" he got up. "You're just as stubborn as your mother..I wish she did what I said and had that abortion"
My blood went cold when he said that. "A..abortion?" I asked. "Yeah but she wanted to keep you even though I didnt want you"
Every word was like daggers to my heart. "Goodbye Justin" he said and walked out.
He didnt want me. So he punished me every day and hurt me because of it. I had a weird urge to cry. I got up, nearly sprinting out of the cafe and I got in my car. I shut the door and just broke down crying. My own father, would hurt his own child, his own blood because he didnt want me. He wanted my mom to have an abortion. Well why am I even alive then?

I pulled up at my house and got out and went inside.
I couldnt believe he said that.
He didnt want me.
Why did he want to talk to me if he was going to do that? He doesnt care about me and he never will.
"Fucking idiot!" I yelled and threw my car keys across the room.
People always misuse me. They love me for my money and nothing else. Countless girls have only wanted me for my money and looks and I was so sick of it.
On top of that, my dad never wanted me and wanted my mom to have an abortion. But she refused so instead he beat me up and hated me for years. I sat on the floor and put my face in my hands. I hated everyone and everything right now. My phone started ringing but it went to voicemail. "Hey Justin" it was Lilly "Im soo sorry but I cant come over today, one of my girlfriend's needs help moving stuff out of her place. I'll call you later tonight maybe, bye"
Maybe that was best. I got up and went to the kitchen and got another bottle of whiskey and went to the living room. I sat down and I just felt numb. I looked around the room. Nothing here meant anything to me. Its just material items. I didnt have a girlfriend because all of them used me. I had a dad who couldnt care less if I was alive or not. All I had was my mom and Lilly. Were they enough to keep me alive? Lilly saw me as a best friend..nothing more besides sex. I took a big sip from the whiskey bottle and laid my head back on the couch. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. I got up, going upstairs while still taking swigs of the whiskey. I went to my room and into my closet, moving my clothes aside and revealed a safe. I punched in the key and opened it, revealing a black gun.


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