•• Part 7 ••

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December 15th

*Justin's POV*

It was late in the afternoon and I was honestly feeling miserable as hell. Mandy was getting on my nerves and I missed Lilly. I sighed and laid my head back on the couch and closed my eyes. The front door opened and I heard bags. "Hey babe Im home"
Oh yeah, I sent Mandy to the mall to buy some things for herself and to get lunch. I opened my eyes and looked at her and she had like 5 bags in each hand. I sighed and closed my eyes again. "Had fun?" I asked. "Loads" she said and I heard her go upstairs. "Did you get lunch?" I asked. "yeah I got takeout" she yelled. "Anddd I got a surprise for you" she yelled out again. "What is it?"
"Two letters..VS" she said and giggled a bit. I was so not in the mood for sex. Not with her at least. "Babe.." It made my stomach turn to call her that but I had no choice. "Im not really in the mood.." i said. There was silence. I needed the bathroom so I got up and went upstairs. I went into my room and Mandy was packing away all the things she bought which was laden all over the bed. Skirts, shorts, underwear, you name it. I eyed her as she was standing in front of the mirror, holding a necklace in front of her. "Jesus.." i mumbled and went into the bathroom. "Did you buy the whole fucking mall?" I asked. She giggled, "no" and I rolled my eyes. I finished in the bathroom and came back out. "You're gonna make me broke" I smirked and walked out. "Please..you're a millionare" she mumbled and I stopped in my tracks. What?
For a second I thought.
"Mandy" I said and walked back into the room. "I want a paternity test"
"What? Why?" She asked and got a little pale. "Because I want to know for sure" I said. "Justin come on, its your kid of course" she rolled her eyes.
"How do I know you didnt fuck behind my back? And why the hell are you suddenly so comfortable with moving in and just spending money left and right? I told you to buy a few things for yourself but you walk in here with tons of shit" I said and frowned and she looked like a ghost. She sighed and looked down and took a deep breath. "I cant do this" she sniffed and looked up and tears were going down her face. "I..Im sorry.." She said and wiped her eyes.
I sighed and closed my eyes and it felt like my heart sank.
"When we were still together I..uh..I slept with another guy who works at a bar..he's like an old friend of mine.." She sniffed. I couldnt believe this. "Its not your kid..b-but Justin Im broke and he doesnt have a good job so I figured I could have you believe its your kid" by now she was sobbing and I put my hands on my face. "What the fuck Mandy! How could you do this! Take your fucking things and get out of my house right fucking now!" I yelled and she jumped from my outburst. "I fucking hate you, you made me lose my best friend and I was willing to give up my life to care for that kid! And its not even mine! You're a gold digger, get out" I said and walked out. I was angry and I was in such a fuck up. I hope I can get my Lilly back. I went to the kitchen, opening the cupboard and grabbing a bottle of whiskey. I poured some in a glass and swallow the contents. I stayed in the kitchen, finishing half of the bottle. I couldnt believe I was so stupid and gullible. A while later I heard a suitcase and someone sniffing and then silence. And here I was. Alone.


Aw poor Justin :(

By the way, Justin fricken loml Bieber followed me on Twitter 21-04-16

30 reads for the next part, ily guys

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