chapter 5

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Me: I thought you stop dealing? For me may I remind you.

Danny: I wasn't the dealer this time I was getting some for a party that we're going to this weekend.

Me: what day

Danny: Friday

Me: That's like in two days! When were you going to tell me

Danny: I just did

Me: whatever

Danny: I'll pick you up at 8

Me: what if I don't want to go

Danny: well then you should have told me before I told everyone who asked me to go with them no cuz I was taking you

Me: whatever I'll be ready at 8

Danm, he can be such a jurk sometimes. At the time he really cares about me. One time he got me a new jacket cuz I left it at my house and he didn't have one with him. I think I have them all in my closet, he never asks for them back so I just keep them. But when he's high or with his friends, he is an ass and a half, which is 97% of the time. I try to get him to stop but he never dose. He's kinda a lost cause with that drugs.

Shelby: I know you did talk to josh by the way


Me: how'd you know?
Me: hunter?

Shelby: yup

Me: what the hell

I forgot that he was on my bus I can never keep any secrets from anyone anymore.

Shelby: why would you lie to me

Me: idk I just wanted to forget the whole thing

Shelby: ok i get it

"Honey, come help with the stuff in the car please." I looked at the time. I can't believe it's 6:30 already.

"Umm yeah, coming." I get up and go to the car with my mom I grad the milk and a bag of food.

" how was school today?" We walked though the living room to the kitchen. We start to unpack the bags and put the stuff away.

"It was good there was a new kid today he was chill." I would have told her about it being Tj but she wouldn't have know the difference. "Hey mom can I go to a party on Friday? Its one of Shelby's friends birthdays and she wanted me to go with her." I know I lied but whatever I can get Shelby to come with us it'll be fun.

"Ok you can go just be back by 12." I gave her a hug and put the rest of the food away.

Me: Shelby are you going to that party Friday

Shelby: idk I wasn't planning on it

Me: well you should start planning to cuz we're going
Shelby: Danny?

Me: yup we'll pick you up at like 8:15 Friday night

To Danny

Me:we have to pick up Shelby Friday

Danny: why the hell is she coming

Me: because thank's to you I had to tell my mom that id be with her and she'll need a ride its bad enough I had to lie to my mom this is what you get so suck it up

Danny: whatever

Shelby: why don't you dump him you can do better so much better like the new kid Tj is nice or that boy in your math class Austin he's cute

Me: Austin is cute but not my type and Tj is just a friend and a little to nice for me

Shelby: you're kidding right?

Me: ???

Shelby: What is your problem with your taste in guys it sucks like danny, nick, thomes and that's not even all of them

Me: ok maybe I do need a new type for guys

Shelby: ok I'll set you up with Austin on Friday I think he was saying he's going to the party

Me: why Austin

Shelby: cuz he's cute and kinda likes you

What no way he likes me. I mean he tells me if I missed anything in class that was important. Maybe he dose like me. He is really cute too. But so is Tj.

Me: ok I'll give him a shot I'll talk to danny tomorrow I'm going to bed good night Shelby

Shelby: night Jeena

Is she right? Do I need a new taste in guys? Do I deserve better then all these crappy guys I date? Is Austin/Tj going to able to change my mind about it? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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