From Video Games To Making Out

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Jordyn's POV.

"Shut up! I'm winning!" I yell.
"Jordyn you just managed to kill me, your partner, then get yourself killed." Tyler laughs at me.
I roll my eyes at him.
God did he have to be such a smart ass??
We had been playing video games and let me just tell you something.
I sucked at them!
"Can we eat now?" I whine.
I remind myself of Dean from supernatural.
(Awesome show by the way)
I'm always eating, just like him.
I know I'm weird as shit!
"Ok fine." Tyler says leading me to the kitchen.
We where at Tyler's house for the afternoon.
His parents had to go to a friend's wedding so it was just us and his little six year old sister.
Who by the way has absolutely no filter at all.
Three times already she'd asked is if we needed privacy or if we where dating or if we had kissed.
But she was so adorable.
She had her brother's gray eyes, her mom's blonde hair and her dad's smile.
I sat at the kitchen counter as Tyler got sandwich fixings ready.
His little sister, Adria, sat beside me and smiled.
I smiled back at her.
"So you making lunch Tylerrrr?" Adria asks dragging out the 'r' sound in his name.
"Yeah what do you want?" He asks her.
"Hmmmm... Ham, turkey and chicken!" She says excitedly.
"Adria you only get one." Tyler says laughing.
"But I want them all." She says spreading her hands out in front of her.
"Adriana William's." Tyler says in a fake Stern voice.
Adria squeals and runs into the living room.
Tyler runs after her and effortlessly picks her up.
She squeals and tries to escape his grasp.
I smile at the scene.
Tyler sets Adria on the couch and starts tickling her.
"Stop!!" She squeals.
I laugh as Tyler keeps tickling her.
"Ok ok!! I want chicken!" Adria finally yells out.
Tyler stops tickling her and she gets up.
"I'm telling mom when she gets back." Adria says triumphantly.
"It won't matter, mom left me in charge not you." Tyler says walking back to the kitchen.
"But that's not fair!" Adria protests.
She sits down next to me and sighs.
"I'm guessing your gonna side with Tyler." She says to me.
I laugh at her straight forwardness.
"I think... That I'm not saying anything." I say smiling.
Tyler sets a chicken sandwich in front of Adria and she seems to drop the whole tickling thing.
See the magic of food at it's finest.
Tyler smiles and turns to me.
"What do you want?" He asks me.
"I'll make it." I say getting up.
"No, your the guest, just tell me what you want." Tyler says.
I sigh and sit back.
"Turkey." I reply.
Tyler smiles and turns his back to me to make the sandwich.
Adria sits beside me eating her sandwich like a wolf who hasn't eaten in days.
What is it with kids and eating like that?
I don't know.
I push that though aside as Tyler sits beside me with a plate of his own and one for me.
"Thank you." I say smiling.
"Your welcome cutie." Tyler says with a straight face.
I roll my eyes and take a bite of my sandwich.
"So what's the plan for the rest of the day?" I direct my question at Tyler.
"Annoy you two." Adria cuts in.
I let out a small chuckle.
"At least you're honest." I say messing up here hair with my hand.
She swats my hand away playfully and turns back to her sandwich.
"Well since you don't want to play video games anymore the only thing we have to do is hang around the house." Tyler says.
He takes a bite of his sandwich then sets it down on his plate.
I reach over and grab his sandwich.
"Hey!" Tyler protests.
I laugh and take a bite of it then give it back to him.
"Ew I don't want your germs on my food!" Tyler jokes.
"It doesn't matter you guys have already kissed so you have her germs." Adria smiles.
Tyler's face turns red and he looks away.
"Awe is wittle Tywer embarrassed?" I tease.
"Shut up!" Tyler says turning back to me.
I laugh along with Adria.
"You guys are horrible." Tyler says.
"Awe!" I say running my fingers through his hair.
He playfully pushes me away.
"So you wanna play a game?" I ask Tyler.
"No way! Not after playing truth or dare with you." Tyler says as he finishes his sandwich.
"No, not truth or dare." I say smiling.
"Then what?" He asks.
"Life!" I say surprising him.
Tyler laughs and gets up.
"Fine! Wanna watch a movie then?" I ask getting off my seat.
I follow Tyler to the living room as he turns on the TV.
He grabs the remote and sits on the couch.
"You gonna watch with me?" He asks.
"Maybe.." I say smiling.
"Come here." He says reaching out his hand to me.
My body betrays me and obeys him.
I sit next to him on the couch and he shifts his body and rests his head on my lap.
He flips through the channels as I comb my fingers through his hair.
He stops on a re-run of friends.
"You wanna watch this?" He asks.
"Yeah." I say.
Tyler closes his eyes as I continue running my fingers through his hair.
Adria walks into the living room and casually sits on Tyler's legs.
"Oww!" He says jokingly.
Adria laughs and moves onto the other couch.
I fix my eyes on the TV and look back at Tyler after a few minutes.
He appears to be sleeping so I study his face.
His light brown hair is spiked upwards in the front, his captivating green eyes are of course closed.
He has a strong jaw, perfect nose, and even better lips.
Oh god stop it!
I smile to myself and turn back to the TV.
A few minutes pass and Tyler stirs a little.
I look down and he opens his eyes.
"Hey." He says smiling.
"Hey sleepy." I say smiling back at him.
"What time is it?" He asks rubbing his eyes.
I grab my phone and check.
"Four twenty three." I respond.
"Wow that late?" He asks.
"Yepp." I say.
Tyler sits up and looks over at Adria sleeping on the couch.
"So when are your parents supposed to be home?" I ask him.
"Nine thirty." Tyler says.
"Hmm, we still have a lot of time." I say smiling.
Tyler smiles and gets up off the couch.
He leans down and quickly kisses me.
"I'm gonna go out to get something for supper, want anything?" He asks.
"Surprise me." I say smiling.
"Ok." Tyler says grabbing his keys off the table.
"I'll keep an eye on Adria." I say.
"Thank you." Tyler says smiling at me.
"You're welcome." I say as he heads out the door.
Adria wakes up at the sound of a car engine.
"Are mommy and daddy back?" She asks rubbing her eyes.
"Not yet sweety." I say walking over and sitting beside her.
"Where's Tyler?" She asks confused.
"He just went to get supper, he'll be back soon." I say.
She nods her head and gets up.
"You wanna see my room?" She asks grabbing my hand in hers.
"Yeah sure." I say smiling.
She leads me up the stairs and into a light blue room.
There's a bed next to a window, a small bedside table, lots of toys laying on the floor.
She has a small bookshelf in a corner with a few books.
"So this is my room." She says smiling at me.
"It's very nice." I say smiling.
"Thanks!" She says plopping herself on the bed.
"You wanna see Tyler's room?" She asks.
Even though we'd been together three months I had never been in his room.
His parents were really strict.
"No I shouldn't." I say.
"But you've never seen it." She says.
"How about we wait for Tyler to show me ok?" I say.
"Ok." She sighs.
I sit beside her on the bed.
"So what do you wanna do?" I ask her.
"I'm hungry." She says.
"Well Tyler's gonna be back in a few minutes." I say.
"Ok, let's go back downstairs." She says leading me back into the living room.
She sits down on the couch and starts watching my little pony.
My phone dings and I take it out to see a text from my best friend, Holly.

Holly: Hey girl!!  She says.

Me: I thought you were at summer camp...  I write back.

Holly: I was but it was cut short

Me: Oh weird.. But I'm glad you're back!!!

Holly: can I come over to your place?

Me: well I'm at Tyler's place.. I'll ask if you can come over though

Holly: ok thanks!

I exit mine and Holly's conversation and go to Tyler's contact.

Me: hey Holly just texted and says she just got out of camp, she wants to come over if it's OK...?

I wait a few minutes until he replies.

Tyler: yeah of course

Me: thank you!! 😜😜😀

Tyler: you're welcome, I'll be back in a few mins

Me: ok see ya soon 😆😊

I go back to Holly's contact and text her.

Me: he said yesss!!! 😀😊😝😜

Holly: yes yes!! I'll be there in a few minutes! 😘😘

Me: k k see ya

I set my phone down and wait for my friend. 

A few minutes later Holly burst through the door and I jump up and pull her into a hug.
"I haven't seen you for ages!" I exclaim.
"Jordyn, it's been two weeks.." Holly says laughing.
"I know, but it seems like forever." I say pulling away from her.
"Yeah I get you." She says taking her sweater off.
"So where's Tyler?" She asks as we walk into the living room.
"He's getting supper." I say.
"So you're stuck here with her?" Holly says pointing her finger at Adria jokingly.
Ever since Adria and Holly had met it was an instant connection between them.
Adria sticks her tongue out at Holly then gets up to hug her.
Holly picks Adria up in her arms as Adria squeals in delight.
"So how much trouble you been causing kid?" Holly asks her.
"Not too much." She says innocently.
Holly nods her head and sets Adria down as Tyler walks through the door.
"Hey." I say smiling.
"Hey." Tyler says smiling back at us.
He walks into the kitchen with the shopping bags then back into the living room.
He gives me a peck on the lips and smiles.
"Hey Holly, nice to see you again." Tyler says.
"You too." Holly says.
"Are we gonna eat?" Adria asks impatiently.
"Yes, come on." Tyler says leading us into the kitchen.
He starts taking things out of the bags until everything is on the counter.
I grab a bag of chips and open it.
"Hey those are mine!" Tyler protests.
"Who's?" I ask as I eat a chip.
Tyler laughs and rolls his eyes.

After eating supper we head back to the living room to watch TV.
"Hey, I'm gonna take Adria upstairs so you two can be alone." Holly whispers to me.
"Holly! No." I say.
Holly smiles evily and gets up off the couch.
"Hey Adria let's go to your room." Holly says.
"Ok." Adria says getting up and following Holly upstairs.
"What was that about?" Tyler asks.
"Well you know Holly, the matchmaker, thought we needed to be alone." I say laughing.
"I don't mind." Tyler says smiling.
I roll my eyes and laugh at him.
"You sure you didn't have anything to do with this?" Tyler asks.
"Ha! Don't flatter yourself!" I say.
"Ow! My ego was just badly wounded." Tyler jokes.
"Awe, where does it hurt." I ask crawling onto his lap.
"Everywhere." He says trying not to smile.
Oh god this is gonna be so fun!

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