Well I'm Screwed

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It's a strange word.
An even stranger feeling.
And most possibly the best feeling.
It's like you're on top of the world, or up in space.
You get excited when you see them, when you hear their voice, when they touch you, when they smile.
Everything about them becomes endearing to you.
The way they walk, their laugh, their smile, everything.
But love can easily damage you.
It can break you so fast.
Most times you don't even see it coming.
It just hits you like a truck.
It can shatter your heart or out can put it back together.
It's a very strange thing.
But is that what I felt towards Tyler?
Was it love?
I had only felt like this once before, and it didn't end well... But that's another story.
I looked down at Tyler, his eyes were closed and I could see a little smile playing at his lips.
My heart jumped when I looked at his face.
My god it is love!
Oh well I'm screwed.
I let out a sigh and Tyler opens his eyes to look at me.
"You ok Jordyn?" He asks me.
"Yeah." I lie.
No I'm not ok!!
I'm in fuckin love for God's sake!!
Of course I'm not ok!!!
What if Tyler doesn't feel the same way?
I had already gone through that and I was not ready for it again.
Just breath. I tell myself.
I'm in love?
I'm in love.
"Jordyn?" Tyler says.
I look at him and smile.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"You spaced out again." Tyler says worriedly.
"Oh sorry." I say.
Tyler sits up and faces me.
God I wish he would stop distracting me by being too damn cute!
"Something's wrong." Tyler says taking my hands in his.
I don't need more distractions.
"Nothing's wrong." I lie
"I know that's not the truth." Tyler says.
"I was just thinking." I say.
"About what?" He asks.
"School." I lie.
Tyler doesn't look convinced but he drops it.
"I'm gonna go get some snacks, I'll be back." He says getting off the couch and heading to the kitchen.
I quickly take my phone out of my pocket and text Holly.

Fuck I'm screwed!!

I send the message and almost instantly she replies.

Holly: What happened???

Me: I think I'm on love with Tyler..

Holly: you think?!?

Me: I don't fuckin know!!

Holly: yes you do

Me: ok I am!!

Holly: now what?

Me: I don't know!

Holly: stay calm ok

Me: how can I stay calm?!?  I'm in fuckin love!

Holly: ok ok.. Are you gonna tell him?

Me: hell no!!

Holly: you should.

Me: not yet.

Holly: fine

Me: I'm gonna go talk later

Holly: ok bye 😞

I set my phone down just as Tyler walks back into the room.
Stop being so attractive!!
He sits beside me and hands me a bag of chips.
"Thanks." I say smiling.
"You're welcome Angel." Tyler says kissing my forehead.
I blush at his nickname for me.
God this boy is going to be the death of me.
I rest my head on Tyler's shoulder and close my eyes.
He smells so good!!
Ok that was a little weird.. Even for me.
But he does!!
It's not fair that he's so damn attractive!
I don't even think it's legal for someone to be this good looking.
Ok that's over the top.
Even if it was illegal I wouldn't report him.
I want to keep him and all his cuteness.
"Hey you wanna watch a movie?" Tyler asks me.
"Yeah sure." I say.
"Ok pick one." He says handing me the remote.
I scroll through Netflix for a few minutes then finally pick a movie.
Mean girls.
"Do we have to watch this?" Tyler whines.
"Yes." I laugh.
"Ugh fine!" Tyler says.
"You know you like it." I say smiling.
Tyler rolls his eyes as I start the movie.
I rest my head back on his shoulder and breath in his amazing smell.
Yepp I'm definitely screwed.

One mean girls movie later:

"I'm not even tired." Tyler says as the movie ends.
I look at the clock.
Eleven o'clock PM.
Eh not that late.
"Let's watch the second movie." I suggest.
"There's another one?!" Tyler asks.
"Yepp." I say smiling.
I start the movie and Tyler wraps his arm around me.
Tingles shoot through my body as he pulls me closer.
Calm yourself Jordyn! I tell myself.
But it was so hard to stay calm when we were so close.
So damn close!
Tyler kisses the top of my head earning a smile from me.
God I need to stop this!
But I can't.
He's just too damn cute!
Does he even know what he does to me?
Probably not.
He actually makes me feel beautiful.
And that's hard for a person to do.
No one has ever made me feel this way.
No one has ever set free a whole zoo of butterflies in my stomach.
No one has ever made me feel this special.
No one has ever gone out of their way to make sure I was ok.
No one has ever made my heart jump by just sending me a little text.
But Tyler did all of those.
I don't know what made him so special but I did know one thing.
I was in love and there was no stopping that.
I smiled as Tyler laughed at the movie.
Cute as ever.
A cute nerd.
That's what he is.
A cute nerd.
My cute nerd.

Another mean girls movie later:
"We should probably go to bed." Tyler says.
"Yeah, probably." I say looking at the clock.
It was past midnight.
And we still have school tomorrow.
"Well I guess I'll see you later today." Tyler says laughing.
I smile and kiss his cheek.
"Thank you, for letting me stay over." I say.
"Anytime Angel." Tyler says kissing me.
God his lips on mine felt like pure heaven.
Pure bliss.
Pure happiness.
I pull away from the kiss and smile at him.
"I'm gonna go to bed." He whispers.
I nod my head as he walks to his bedroom.
Cute nerd.
I lay down on the couch and close my eyes until I hear the sound of water hitting a metal sink.
Tyler was probably getting a drink before going to bed.
So I close my eyes again and try to go to sleep.
I hear footsteps walking into the living room and stop in front of me.
I don't bother to open my eyes cause I know who it is.
He leans down and I can feel his minty breath on my skin.
He kisses my forehead and whispers something in my ear.
"I love you little Angel." He whispers before walking away.

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