Loves A Bitch

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As the week's passed school was a blur and dad wasn't home much.
Holly had dance practice every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so I didn't see her much.
Me and Tyler had been spending more time together but the past few days he'd been avoiding me for some reason.
And I was determined to find out.
I walked toward my locker and groaned as I saw who was standing in front of it.
This guy had been hitting on me all week even though he knew I was dating Tyler.
"Hey sexy." Kane says.
"Go away Kane." I groan.
"Nope." He says popping the p.
I roll my eyes and open my locker.
"I'm not interested, go away." I say.
"Awe you're just playing hard to get." Kane says smirking.
I turn around and look him dead in the eye.
"I am not playing hard to get, I'm not interested in you so stop wasting your time." I say.
"You'll see baby doll." Kane says walking away with a smirk on his face.
I roll my eyes and put some books in my locker as Holly walks up to her locker.
"Kane again?" She asks when she sees the angry expression on my face.
"He won't leave me the fuck alone!" I say slamming my locker.
Holly flinches at my outburst of anger.
"I'm sorry Holly, I just have a lot on my mind." I sigh.
"Is Tyler still avoiding you?" She asks.
I nod my head and sigh.
"I'm gonna talk to him today." I say.
"Good luck, I'll talk to you after dance practice." Holly says closing her locker.
"Ok thanks." I say.
"Anytime." She says before walking away.
I sigh and head to my first class.

Finally it was lunch and I have a chance to talk to Tyler.
I see him walking towards the cafeteria with a grim expression on his face.
Something is definitely wrong.
I walk up to him and grab his arm.
"Tyler." I say looking into his eyes.
No one else was in the hall, just us.
"What?" He asks looking down at the floor.
"Why are you avoiding me?" I ask.
"I'm not, I have a lot on my mind." He lies.
"Every time you see me you head in the other direction, and you won't even sit with us at lunch anymore." I say.
"Sorry." He mumbles.
"Just please tell me what I did wrong." I beg.
"You didn't do anything wrong." Tyler says.
He still won't meet my eyes.
"Then why are you avoiding me?" I ask.
He starts walking away but I'm not done yet.
I grab his arm and turn him around to face me again.
"Tyler, I don't know what I did, just please tell me." I beg.
"You didn't do anything!" He yells.
I let go of his arm and he has a look of remorse on his face.
"Jordyn I'm sorry." Tyler says.
"Just tell me what I did." I beg.
"Nothing." Tyler says.
"Then why are you avoiding me?!" I ask all but yelling at him.
"I just need space." He sighs.
"From what?" I ask.
"Everyone." He says.
"Why?" I ask.
"You wanna know why?!" He asks, his hands balling into fists.
It kind of scared me seeing him angry, Tyler seemed like the sweet guy that never gets mad, in fact this was the first time I'd seen him mad.
I back up a little and look into his eyes.
They held regret, anger, hurt.
"My parents are getting fuckin divorced!" Tyler yells before walking away.
Tears flood into my eyes.
His parents are getting divorced.
Tears stream down my face and I hear a familiar voice call my name.
I close my eyes and lean my back against the wall.
"Jordyn!" Holly calls.
I can hear her footsteps running toward me.
She pulls me into a hug and I sob on her shoulder.
"Hey, it's ok." She says hugging me tightly.
No it's not ok.
Tyler's parents are getting divorced.
And I was angry at him for avoiding me.
I needed to apologize.
"What happened?" Holly asks me.
I pull away and wipe my tears away.
"Tyler's parents are getting divorced." I say.
"What?" Holly and stunned.
"Yeah, that's why he was avoiding me." I say.
"I'm so sorry." Holly says hugging me.
"I need to find him." I say after a few minutes.
Holly nods in understanding.
"Just be careful, you don't know what he's capable of when he's angry." Holly warns.
"I will be." I say walking away.
I walk down the hall with no sign of Tyler.
Where is he?
Maybe outside to get some air.
I walk outside and sure enough there's Tyler leaning against the side of the building.
"Tyler?" I ask, keeping my distance from him.
He looks over at me and sighs.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not understanding, and for yelling at you, I should've known, but I didn't." I say as tears fill my eyes.
Tyler doesn't say anything and won't make eye contact with me.
"I get it if you need some space, I'm sorry." I say turning around.
"Jordyn." Tyler says.
I turn back around to face him and he's still staring at the ground.
"I hope you understand, but I just need space, I need a break." Tyler says.
I nod my head in understanding.
Even though it hurt like hell I knew I had to back off.
He needed space and I needed to respect that.
Tears flooded my eyes and I blinked them away.
Why did it have to hurt so much?
Why does love hurt?
But what I was doing was out of love.
I was backing off, not because I don't love Tyler, but because I do.
Love is understanding.
Love isn't forceful.
So my decision was made.
Tyler looks up at me and for a second our eyes meet.
His eyes held so much sadness I couldn't bear it.
"Tyler, I understand that you need space, and I'm not saying I know what you're going through, because I don't, but if you need, you know I'll be there for you." I say turning around to leave.
"Thank you." Tyler says from behind me.
I stop for a second and debate going back to him.
But he needs space.
This was going to be harder then I thought.
I love him and nothing can stop that.
But he needs to get his thoughts straight and I respect and understand that.
Although it hurts like a bitch I take one last look at Tyler.
His face held a grim expression, his green eyes were dull, unlike most times when they shone bright with joy and life.
I gathered all my courage, turned away from him and walked away.

Hey thanks to all you guys voting for this story I love you all and am thankful for every one of them

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