More Family Secrets And Mint Ice Cream

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Finally I was out!
I smile as I walk out the door with dad.
I can't drive due to my concussion so I had to ride with dad.
And I know what that means.
He was gonna ask about mom.
And I was not ready to talk about it again.
Holly had tried talking to me this morning and I almost had a break down.
I know she meant well but I wasn't ready yet.
Once we get in the car I put my seatbelt on and dad starts driving.
After a few minutes of silence dad clears his throat and speaks up.
"So... What did you say to her?" He asks referring to mom.
I close my eyes and sigh.
"I told her who I was." I start.
"And..." Dad says.
"She told me that I looked like you..." I say.
Dad nods his head and fixes his eyes on the road.
"Then I blew up at her.." I say looking out the window.
Dad sighs and grips the steering wheel.
"What did she say?" He asks.
I take a deep breath and tell him.
"She said that she regrets it everyday of her life." I say looking away from him.
"Yeah.." Dad sighs.
"Dad why did you keep this from me?" I ask.
"I didn't want you thinking that it was your fault, no kid wants to think that, and it wasn't your fault." He says.
"I could have handled it." I say looking out the window.
"I know Jordyn, you're a strong girl, but you do think it's your fault." Dad says looking at me for a second before looking back at the road.
It was true.
I did think it was my fault.
I mean who wouldn't?
She tried killing me for Christ sake!
If it wasn't my fault why would she try killing me?
But what did I do?
"Yeah maybe I do." I say crossing my arms over my chest.
"Jordyn it wasn't." Dad insists.
"Then tell me what happened." I say.
Dad sighs and grips the wheel.
"She was seventeen, I was twenty, her parents hated me, so we ran away, soon after she got pregnant and you were born." Dad starts.
"And after that?" I ask.
"Well there's something else.." Dad says nervously.
"Oh what else did you keep from me?" I ask.
"Well... We found out she was pregnant with twins, You were born perfectly healthy, but then your brother was born, he was underweight, and didn't make it.." Dad says staring at the road.
I had a twin?
Why did he keep this from me?!
A thousand emotions ran through me.
I had a twin brother that died!
And now at seventeen I'm just finding out about him.
So it was my fault...
A tear slides down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away.
"What was his name?" I ask quietly.
"Brendon Nathaniel Beller." Dad says quickly.
I nod my head as another tear slides down my cheek.
That was my brother.
And he died.
"Caroline had always wanted a son.... So when he died... She was devastated.." Dad says.
"So she tried killing me because Brendon died.." I say putting the final piece of the puzzle together.
It finally made sense.
Well kind of...
She wanted a son, Brandon dies so she tries killing me cause he died.
It all gave me a headache just thinking about it.
Finally we pull into our driveway and I get out quickly and run up to my room.
I lock the door behind me and collapse on the bed.
It was all too much to process.
I had a twin brother..
He died..
My mom tried killing me cause he died...
She thought it was my fault.
And maybe it was.
I sigh in frustration and grab my phone.
I text Holly and Tyler asking them if they can come over.
They both reply quickly and agree to come over.
So while I'm waiting for them I get changed into comfortable night shorts and a tank top.
After getting changed I grab my computer and I dare to do it again.
I search my mom again.
And after a few minutes I find what I'm looking for.
'Caroline Caldwell, at seventeen births twins and as a result of the boy, Brandon, being too small and weak he unfortunately dies.
Now three years later Caroline is accused by her boyfriend, Michael Bellar, of trying to drown their three year old daughter, Jordyn, one of the twins.
Miss Caldwell was tried and sentenced to fifteen years in prison.
But before being taken away miss Caldwell swears that her son that died, Brandon, is not dead.'
I stared in amazement at the computer.
Maybe Brandon isn't dead...
But dad said he was.
Clearly mom is a nut.
What kind of person tries drowning their kid cause she wanted a boy?
I sigh and shut my computer as Holly and Tyler walk in.
"Hey." Tyler says kissing my forehead.
"Hi." I say smiling.
"Hey girl, how are you?" Holly asks.
"Ok.. I guess.... I found something else out today." I say looking down.
"What is it?" Holly asks.
"Look at this." I say opening my laptop and turning it towards them so they can see.
"You had a twin...." Holly says in shock.
"I guess.." I say sighing.
"Jordyn I'm so sorry, you don't deserve this." Tyler says looking in my eyes.
I nod my head and sigh.
Why is this happening to me?
My whole life has been a lie.
First I find out that my mom tried drowning my at three years old.
Then I find out that she gets out of prison in three months.
And now I find out I had a twin brother that died and that's why mom tried killing me.
It was all too much.
"That's why she tried killing me, cause Brandon died." I say with tears in my eyes.
Tyler rubs my back and kisses my forehead.
"Why am I just now finding this out?" I ask no one in particular.
"I don't know, but I promise we will figure everything out." Holly says placing her hand on mine.
"Thanks." I say smiling at her.
"How about I go grab some mint ice cream." Holly says getting off the bed and heading downstairs.
I smile and rest my head on Tyler's shoulder.
He runs his hands through my hair and kisses the top of my head.
"Honestly I don't even know what to say to make this better, but just know that I'm here if you need." He says.
I smile and look up at him.
"You just being here is enough." I say kissing him.
"I just wish I could make this better." Tyler sighs.
"No one can make it better, just ease the pain." I say.
Tyler nods his head and kisses my forehead.
God I love this boy.
"I love you Angel." He says kissing the top of my head.
Butterflies- no more like eagles, flew around in my stomach.
Just those three words made my heart jump in excitement.
"And I love you, you nerd." I say laughing.
"Hey I'm not a nerd!" Tyler protests.
"We all know you are." Holly says walking in with a big tub of mint ice cream.
"I agree with Holly." I say smiling.
Tyler sticks his tongue out at us both making us laugh.
Holly sits on the bed and hands us both a spoon for the ice cream.
I take a spoonful and close my eyes in delight.
Mint is the best!
But before I can take more dad appears in my doorway.
"Jordyn can I talk to you?" Dad asks me.
"Yeah." I say getting off the bed.
I walk out into the hall with dad.
"Are you ok?" He asks concerned.
"Yeah, I mean I guess... Everything that's happened is so crazy, but I'm ok." I say.
"Well... I'm gonna have to leave tonight.. And I'm gonna be gone for four days." He says.
"Yeah it's cool dad, I'll probably just stay at Holly's place." I say.
"Ok, I love you." Dad says kissing my forehead.
"I love you too." I say smiling.
"I'll see you soon." Dad says walking down the stairs.
I walk back to my room and sit down on my bed.
"What was that?" Holly asks me.
"He has to leave for a few days, can I crash at your place?" I ask Holly.
"Um.... I have to babysit the Johnson baby.." Holly says.
"Oh that's fine." I say.
"You can stay at my place." Tyler offers.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yeah it's cool." He says.
"Um.. What about your parents?" I ask remembering the divorce.
It wasn't over yet so I didn't know who was living there.
"My mom's living at the house." Tyler says as if reading my mind.
"She's ok with it?" I ask.
"Yeah it's cool." Tyler assures me.
"Thank you." I say kissing him.
"Ew you guys!" Holly complains.
I laugh at her then take another spoonful of ice cream.
This stuff is like heaven in a tub of ice cream.
I laughed to myself at my weird thoughts.

"Thank you again." I say smiling.
"It's no trouble." Tyler says sitting on the couch.
I follow his actions and rest my head on his shoulder.
"So today was crazy for you." He says.
"What day isn't?" I laugh.
"You ok after everything that happened?" Tyler asks concerned.
"I guess." I sigh.
"You guess..?" He asks.
"I mean finding out I had a twin brother is pretty weird." I say sadly.
Tyler nods his head then asks the question I was dreading answering.
"Are you going to see her again?" He asks.
I sigh and put my head in my hands.
"I don't know, I still have so many questions." I say.
"Just be careful Jordyn, you already know what she's capable of doing." Tyler warns.
I nod my head and look at him.
"Why do you like me?" I ask the question I had been dying to ask for a long time.
"Why do I like you? What kind of question is that?" Tyler asks.
"Just why?" I ask.
"Because you were the cute shy emo girl in the back of the class, not a lot of friends, and that's ok, but something about you was intriguing to me." Tyler says smiling.
"And what would that be?" I ask him.
"I didn't know it at the time but now I do. It's the way you take on the world, after everything that's happened to you through your life you just embrace it, and sure you have your set backs, but that makes you human." Tyler says.
I have no words.
"And you take on any challenge with intensity like no one else, and that's why I believe that you are strong enough to talk to your mom." He adds.
I take in a deep breath and close my eyes to think for a minute.
"I'll do it, I'll see her again." I say.

Well there it is!! 😊
So this chapter had quite a twist
Don't be a silent reader, comment, ask me questions I'll be happy to answer them 😊😁
Anyways... Hope you liked it, I really enjoy writing this

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