Cute Guys And Flirtatious Texts

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"Holly! Listen to me!" I yell shaking her shoulders.
"I'm listening!" She yells back.
God she's loud!
"Stop freaking out, stay cool." I say looking into her eyes.
She nods her head and takes in a deep breath.
"You're just going to his house, stay calm and try to figure out if he liked you." I say.
"Ok." She says.
"I'm supposed to be there in fifteen minutes." She says looking at the clock.
"Ok go!" I say practically pushing her out of my room.
I laugh as she pulls out of my driveway.
My phone rings and I pick it up without looking at the caller ID.
"Hey angel." The voice on the other side says.
Instantly I know who it is.
"Hey what's up?" I ask him sitting on my bed.
"Just laying in bed bored as hell." He complains.
I laugh at him.
"Hey! Don't laugh at me!" He protests.
"Awe I'm sorry." I tease.
"Shut up!" He says jokingly.
"So wacha doin?" I ask him.
"Just watching Dexter." He says.
"Ah nice nice nice." I say laughing.
"What's so funny?" Tyler asks me.
"You rarely call me just to talk." I say.
"Well what's wrong with that?" He asks me.
"Nothing, I like it." I say.
"Good." Tyler says.
I laugh and fall back on my bed.
"So what's up in the Bellar house?" Tyler asks.
"Oh nothing really, Holly just left to hang out with this guy she met from camp." I say.
"Ohh, sounds like somebody's got a crush." Tyler says.
"Yeah." I laugh.
"So how's things with your dad?" Tyler asks.
"Good, he's gone right now though." I say.
"That's good." Tyler says.
"Yeah." I say smiling.

After talking on the phone for over two hours I told Tyler I was gonna go.
We said our goodbyes then I hung up and went downstairs to find something to eat.
I sighed as a realization dawned on me.
It was only two weeks till school started again.
Stupid school!
I leaned my head against the fridge and sighed.
Social embarrassment, five straight days of torture, and endless homework, here I come!
Fuck I was not looking forward to this.
So I decided to text Holly to see what's going on.

Hey what's on with you two??

I send the message and wait for her to reply as I find a snack.
I grab a bag of BBQ chips and head back to my room.
My phone dings as I sit on my bed.
It's a message from Holly.

Nothing yet... But he invited me to hang out again next week and he gave me his number!!

I smile at Holly's good luck.

Congrats!! I hope he likes you *fingers crossed*

Thanks I'll talk later bye!! 😘

Ok bye!! 😘😘

I laugh at Holly then look at the clock on my phone.
Holy shit!
It's already ten PM!
I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth.
Then I do my toiletry duties (no details)

Then I head back to my room and crawl into my bed.
I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

"Jordyn." A familiar voice whispers.
"Hmmmm!" I groan.
"Jordyn it's eleven o'clock in the morning." The same voice says.
"Go away!" I swat my hands violently.
I still have my eyes closed so I can't see a thing.
"Jordyn Leila Bellar." The voice says in a commanding voice.
I quickly open my eyes and sit up in bed.
"Jordyn, it's eleven o'clock." Dad scolds.
"When did you get home?" I ask him, rubbing my eyes.
"Late last night." Dad says.
I nod my head and lay back down.
Hey what can I say? I love my sleep.
"Jordyn!" Dad says.
"Ok!! I'll be up." I say.
"Now." Dad says.
"Ugghh!!" I groan sitting back up in my bed.
I put my feet on the floor and stand up.
"Bye!" I say shoving dad out of my room.
I strip out of my clothes and put on a pair of blue denim skinny jeans, a dark purple tank top, and my favorite pair of black converse.
After that I quickly brush my long, blue hair and then head downstairs.
"You hungry?" Dad asks me.
"Yeah kinda." I say sitting at the counter.
"Good." Dad says setting a plate of fresh pancakes in front of me.
"Thanks." I say taking a bite.
"So what are your plans for the day?" Dad asks me.
"I was gonna go hang out with Holly." I say.
"Ok, just don't stay too late." Dad says.
"I won't." I say taking another bite.
"What about you?" I ask him.
"Um.. I have to leave again, it's only gonna be two days though." Dad says.
"It's ok dad, don't worry about me." I say smiling.
I was used to dad traveling all the time by now.
After all that was his job as a consultant.
But it didn't bother me anymore.
It actually taught me to be independent.
"Just behave." Dad says.
"No promises." I joke.
"Haha." Dad says kissing my forehead.
"I'll see you in a couple days." Dad says heading to the door.
"Bye, I love you." I say.
"I love you too Jordyn." Dad says before heading out the door.
I take out my phone and text Holly.

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