Fingers Crossed

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"It's perfect!" Holly squeals.
Finally I had been able to boost Holly's self confidence and she finally said the routine was perfect.
"Ok show me one more time." I say excitedly.
"Only once more." Holly says smiling.
I nod my head and she starts her routine.
Once she's fine she turns back to me and smiles.
"Auditions are tomorrow." Holly says excitedly.
"I know, you'll be great!" I say smiling.
"Oh shit!" She says looking at the clock.
"What?" I ask her.
"I'm supposed to be at Dylan's in ten minutes." Holly says.
"Can I join?" I ask.
"Um.. I guess he won't mind." She says.
"Ok let's go." I say grabbing her hand.

Holly knocks on the door and a few seconds later Dylan opens it.
It was the first time I'd seen him.
He had jet black hair, bright blue eyes, and a smile on his lips when he saw Holly.
All in all he was a pretty good looking guy.
"Oh Dylan this is my friend, Jordyn." Holly says.
"Hi." Dylan says to me.
"Hi it's nice to meet you." I say smiling back at him.
"Come in." Dylan says stepping aside so we can go in.
Holly walks in first then I do.
"You can sit down of you like." Dylan says gesturing to the couch.
"Thank you." Holly says sitting down.
Dylan sits next to her and I sit on the other side of her.
And awkward silence.
"Um I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Holly says standing up and leaving me with Dylan.
Yes this is great!
I scoot closer to Dylan once Holly leaves.
"Hey, dance auditions are tomorrow and Holly is trying out, if you wanna see her dance.." I say.
"Yeah I'd love to see her dance." Dylan says smiling.
"Just don't tell her I invited you, surprise her." I say.
He nods his head and I hear Holly coming back so I go back to my spot.
She walks into the living room and sits back down.
"You two look like you're up to something.." Holly says suspiciously.
"Nope." I lie.
Ok I never lie to my best friend but right now called for a little lying.
She rolled her eyes at me and I stick my tongue out at her.
Dylan laughs at us and Holly glares at him jokingly.
He puts his hands up in surrender and now Holly laughs.

After hanging out for awhile Holly decides it's time to leave.
We say our goodbyes then head out.
I get in the passenger seat and Holly in the driver's.
She looks at me suspiciously when I smile for no reason.
"What?" I ask innocently.
"I'm gonna find out what you're up to." Holly says.
I shrug my shoulders and Holly drives back to my house to drop me off.

She stops her car in my driveway and turns back to me.
"The auditions start at one PM so I'll pick you up at eleven thirty." Holly says.
"Sounds good." I say.
"And Holly."
"Yeah?" She asks.
"You'll do great." I say smiling at her.
"Thank you." She says hugging me.
I smile then get out of the car and head into my house.
"Dad you home?" I yell once I get into the house.
"Yeah in the living room." He calls back.
I walk into the living room to find dad watching a football game.
Eww football.
Yeah not a fan.
Sue me.
I sit on the couch beside dad and smile at him.
"Someone's happy" Dad says.
"Yepp." I say grinning.
Dad smiles and turns back to his football game.
"So you get Holly's routine figured out?" He asks.
"Yepp and try outs are tomorrow." I say.
"I know, I'm gonna be there." Dad says smiling.
"Thank you!" I say smiling.
Ever since Holly's parents had both died in a car crash when she was thirteen she had lived with her aunt and my dad had been like her dad.
"Now get to bed it's late." Dad says smiling.
"Goodnight." I say hugging him.
"Night, love you Jordyn." Dad says.
"Love you too." I say walking up to my room.
I lay down on my bed and text Tyler.

Hey you doing anything tomorrow?

I text him then wait a few minutes until he replies.

Tyler:Nope 😊

Me: do you mind going to Holly's audition? For support🙌

Tyler: of course I will 😎😎

Me: thank you!! 😀😀😁😀😊😊

Tyler: you're welcome Angel😇😇

Me: haha I gtg to bed I'll see ya tomorrow

Tyler: ok night Angel😇

Me: night😴😴

I set my phone down and crawl into bed.
My nice warm bed may I add.
Ok good luck waking me up tomorrow.

"Jordyn Lelia Bellar!"
Oh shit I'm in trouble.
I turned on my stomach and buried my face in my pillows.
"Wake up!"
Ok I recognize that voice.
I open my eyes and turn back to face her.
"Jordyn! It's nine thirty!" Holly says.
"Ok ok I'm up." I say slowly getting out of bed.
"We have to be back to my place cause I have no idea what to wear!" Holly says nervously.
"Ok just let me get dressed." I say heading over to my dresser.
I catch a glance of myself in my full length mirror hanging from my door, let's just say my hair looked like a smurf who'd been run over by a semi truck.
Yeah it wasn't good.
I ignored it and put on a pair of grey leggings, a blue tank top, and a pair of black flip flops.
Then I quickly brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun.
I turned back to Holly and she was pacing back and forth.
"Holly." I say putting my hand on her arm.
She stops and looks at me.
"Calm down, we're gonna go to your house, find something for you to wear them you're gonna go and do your best." I say smiling.
"Thanks." She says smiling.
"Come on let's go." I say pluming her downstairs.
We walk out to her car and drive to her aunt's house.

Once there she runs inside followed by me.
We go up to her room and she sits on the bed while I pick something for her to wear.
After awhile of looking I pick a pair of black leggings, and a pink tank top.
"Put these on." I say throwing them to her.
She quickly puts on the clothes and then we head downstairs to eat before leaving.
We walk into the kitchen to find her aunt Ellen making breakfast.
"Hey aunt Ellen." I say greeting her.
She turns around to face is and smiles.
"I wish I could go to the audition but I have work." She sighs.
"It's fine, Jordyn's gonna tape the whole thing." Holly says smiling.
"Thank you." Aunt Ellen says to me.
"You're welcome." I say smiling.
"And Holly, I know you'll do great." Ellen says.
"Thanks." Holly says smiling.
"Now how about you eat before you go." Ellen says.
Holly and I nod our heads and Ellen sets two plates of fried eggs and bacon in front of us.

After eating we left the house and drove to the school.
"Ok just be calm." I say fanning Holly's face.
"I'm calm!" Holly says.
"No you're not, just breath." I say.
She takes in a deep breath and slowly let's it out.
We were standing behind the curtain waiting for Holly's turn.
The judge's were only picking five people and there was at least fifteen trying out.
"Holly Callen." One of the judges calls out.
"Go go go!" I say pushing her out.
I run back to meet up with Tyler, Dylan and my dad just as Holly starts her routine.
So far perfect.
She looked like she wasn't nervous at all but I knew she was.
"Thanks for coming." I whisper to Dylan.
"No problem, she's amazing!" Dylan says.
"I know." I say smiling.
I turn back and Holly just finishes her routine.
The judges clap and Holly runs back off the stage.
A few more people go then the judges bring everyone back on stage as they make the decision.
I cross my fingers and give Holly a reassuring smile.
The judges finally anounce their decision.
"Every one of you were great but we only have room on the team for five." Mrs Walter's says.
"The five who made it are... Alexander Samone, Olivia Dexter, Matthew Racer, Holly Callen, and Lexi Gates." Mrs Walter's announces.
Floods of joy run through me.
She made it.
I run over to her and pull her into a hug.
"I told you!" I say hugging her tight.
The rest of the group walks up and waits for us.
I pull away from Holly and smile proudly at her.
Holly looks at the group and sees Dylan.
"Congratulations." Dylan says smiling.
"Thank you!" Holly says hugging him.
He hugs her back and then she pulls away and hugs Tyler and dad.
"I knew you could do it." Tyler says.
"Thanks." Holly beams.
"I'm proud of you Holly." Dad says smiling.
"Thank you, I couldn't have done any of this without you guys." Holly says hugging us all one more time.
"You were great." Dylan says to her.
"Thank you." She says blushing.
"I knew you would make it." I say beaming at her.
"Thank you Jordyn." Holly says to me.
I smile and look around the group.
They were all smiling.
She really deserves this.
After all she's been through she deserves this.
And I was more then proud of my best friend.

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