Friends Are The Best

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For a minute I was just lost in his eyes but I managed to snap back to reality.
Tyler was here.
Standing in my doorway.
"Hey Jordyn." He says, a smile playing on his lips.
God why does he have to be so darn cute?!
"Hey." I say still surprised that he's here.
"How are you feeling?" He asks coming closer to me.
"Um.." Is all I can get out.
"Your dad told me you were sick." Tyler says.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine." I say looking into his eyes.
"Look Jordyn, I'm sor-" Tyler starts but Holly walks in.
Why now?!?!
"Oh sorry." Holly says turning back and leaving.
I smile and Tyler seems to relax a little.
"I'm sorry for the other day." Tyler says sighing.
"Don't apologize Tyler, you were angry, and you needed to get it out." I say.
Tyler runs his hand through his hair and sighs.
"I just feel so horrible for yelling at you." He says looking into my eyes.
"Don't worry about me, you need to worry about yourself." I say.
"Your parents are getting divorced, and I'm worried about you." I sigh.
Tyler smiles and sits on my bed.
"Thank you." He says.
"It hurt not taking to you, but I was so worried about you." I say putting my hand on his.
"There's no need to worry." Tyler says.
"Yes there is." I insist.
"No, I was angry and frustrated with my parents, but I realize now it's for the best, they hadn't been getting along for awhile so now they need to go their separate ways." Tyler says.
I smile and look in his eyes.
"I love you Angel." Tyler says kissing my nose.
"Glad to know you're back to normal." I say smiling.
Tyler laughs and kisses my forehead.
"Holly you can come back in I know you were listening to the whole thing." I call to her.
She walks in the door with a big smile plastered on her face.
I laugh and roll my eyes at her.
"How did you know I was out there?" Holly asks me.
"I know you Holly." I laugh.
She rolls her eyes and sits on my bed.
Tyler laughs at us and I slap his arm.
He sticks his tongue out at me and I smile innocently.
Finally back to normal

"Stop it you guys!" I say trying not to laugh.
Both Tyler and Holly try a serious face but soon after burst out laughing.
God they can be such children.
They had been making me laugh so hard that my stomach hurt now.
Leave it up to my friends to do this to me.
Soon after Tyler had got here Holly texted Melissa and invited her and Jenson over.
Now all four of them were sitting on my bed laughing their asses off like little kids.
I roll my eyes at them and push Holly off the bed.
Everyone starts laughing when she lands on the floor with a thud.
I look down to see if she's ok just as she stands up and gives me the middle finger.
I love my friends.
She gets back on the bed and playfully glares at me.
"So are you feeling any better?" Melissa asks me.
"Actually I am! Thanks to you guys!" I say smiling.
"Anytime chic." Holly says grinning.
I laugh and roll my eyes at her.
"Happy to help." Jenson says.
I smile and look around at my friend's.
Tyler meets my eyes and smiles at me.
God he's adorable!
Ok stop you're with your friends!
I smile back and he kisses my nose.
Earlier I told him he couldn't kiss me on the lips cause I didn't want him getting sick.
"Eww dude!" Jenson exclaims.
I laugh and Tyler blushes.
Too cute!
"You guys are gross!" Holly jokes.
"Well guess what? It's my room, I can do what I want." I say victoriously.
Holly rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out me.
Tyler laughs and just for kicks, he kisses my cheek.
From our friends we hear an "eww!" A "gross!!" And "get a
God I love my friends!
I smirk at them and Melissa rolls her eyes jokingly.
"Stop being a bitch." I laugh at her jokingly.
I knew she didn't mind.
It was just a friend thing.
We could call each other anything and it didn't offend us.
"Jackass." Melissa shoots back.
I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Do you have to go?" I ask.
"I'm sorry." Tyler says kissing my forehead.
It was already nine thirty and everyone else but tiller had left so far.
"I'll text you tomorrow morning, but I gotta go." He says.
"Ok, I love you." I say.
"I love you Angel." Tyler says kissing my nose.
I smile at his nickname for me.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Tyler says heading to my door.
"Bye." I say.
"Bye." Tyler says before leaving.
I lay back in my bed and turn on my phone.
Dad walks in and sits on my bed.
"Hey kiddo." He says.
"Hey." I say smiling.
"So I'm guessing you got everything sorted out with Tyler?" Dad asks me.
"Yepp." I say smiling.
"I told you he'd come around." Dad says smiling at me.
"Thanks dad." I say.
"Anytime kiddo." Dad says smiling.
"I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight, I love you." I say hugging him.
"I love you too." He says.
He pulls away and smiles at me.
"Night Jordyn." Dad says getting up.
"Night dad." I say before he leaves.
Today has been so crazy I didn't realize how tired I was.
First I had woken up feeling like crap, then Holly came over and got my mind off Tyler, then Tyler came over and we got everything sorted out, then Melissa and Jenson came over and we all started laughing our asses off.
I smile and lay down.
Although today had worn me out I couldn't get to sleep.
It's like that feeling when your body is exhausted but your mind is in a thousand different places.
Yeah that's how I feel right now.
Slowly my mind drifted to my mom.
I don't know why I was thinking about her though.
Dad never talks about her.
He just says she left when I was three.
But he never told me why she left.
I always thought it was my fault.
But what did I do?
The only memory I have of her is me in the bathtub and her sitting on the floor next to the tub smiling at me.
But nothing else.
I sighed as I tried to remember.
But it was no good.
And I couldn't even ask dad, I know he won't tell me.
It made me so frustrated to think about it.
Why did she leave?
Was it my fault?
What was she like?
I had so many unanswered questions that I wanted to know.
So I did what I'd never dared to do before.
I grabbed my laptop and searched for Lilly Caroline Caldwell.
My mom and dad were never married so she still had her maiden name.
I clicked the search button and what I saw shocked me.

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