My Little Angel, I Love You.

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It was finally Saturday!
The week had gone by in a blur.
The only thing I really remember is that night a Tyler's.
I love you little Angel.
He loves me?
I hadn't gotten up the courage to ask him yet but I needed to.
I needed to know of it was true.
Those words had been eating away at me since he said them.
So I had texted him and asked if I could come over and he said yeah.
I was really nervous.
What if he denied saying it?
So many thoughts were running through my mind I almost passed Tyler's house.
I pulled into his driveway and parked my car.
Stay calm.
I finally got out of my car and walked up to the door.
Breath Jordyn.
I take a deep breath then walk into the house.
And there was Tyler waiting for me in all his cuteness.
Ok I need to focus!
I mentally slap myself for getting distracted so easily.
"Hey." Tyler says smiling at me.
Oh god his smile!
Stop it.
"Hey." I say.
"Something's wrong." Tyler says concerned.
"Um.. I don't know.." I say.
"You don't know?" Tyler asks.
"Can we talk privately?" I ask.
"Yeah sure mom, dad and Adria aren't home." Tyler says leading me into the living room.
We sit and the couch and Tyler waits for me to start talking.
He knew not to pressure me.
So I finally spoke up.
"You remember the night I stayed here?" I ask him nervously.
"Of course." Tyler says still confused.
"Um.. When you went to bed, you got a drink of water then came back to the living room, you thought I was sleeping, and you said 'I love you little Angel.' I say looking down at my hands.
Tyler doesn't say anything for a minute but I won't look up at him.
I couldn't bring myself to.
"I do, I love you." Tyler says after awhile.
My heart jumped, skips, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have a heart attack.
He said it!
I look up to meet his beautiful green eyes.
He smiles and cups my cheek in his hand.
Ok ok ok!!
I'm really freaking out now!!
Calm down!
"Jordyn, my little Angel, I love you." He says leaning closer to me.
Suddenly my throat had gone dry and I couldn't speak.
Tyler smiles before our lips meet.
God this feels so good!
Our lips moved in perfect sync with each other.
How did he learn to kiss so damn good?
He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly grant him.
His tongue slyly slides into my mouth earning a quiet moan from me.
Finally he pulls away and we're both out of breath.
I smile at him as he kisses my forehead.
God I love this boy.
But I hadn't told him!
"I love you Tyler." I say smiling at him.
"I love you little Angel."

"Tyler!!" I squeal.
"Please." I beg.
"Never!" Tyler says victoriously.
I mentally roll my eyes at him.
"Stop stop stop!!" I scream.
"No ones home, no one will hear you." Tyler taunts.
"Please!" I beg.
But he continues tickling me.
Yeah don't ask how we got into the tickling wars.
It just happens.
"Please I'll do anything!" I squeal.
Tyler stops.
"Anything?" He asks smiling.
"Anything within reason." I say rolling my eyes.
"Make me a sandwich." Tyler says smiling.
A sandwich?
"You could have made me do anything, and you have me make you a sandwich." I say laughing.
"I'm hungry!" Tyler complains.
"Ok fine." I say getting off the couch.
I make my way into the kitchen and start making Tyler's sandwich.
Once I'm done I take a small bite of the sandwich then bring it to Tyler.
"Hey! You took a bite!" Tyler whines.
"No! What are you talking about?" I ask innocently.
"I don't want your germs on my food." Tyler says.
"I'll eat it then." I say.
"No!" Tyler says taking a big bite of the sandwich.
I roll my eyes and laugh at him.
"So when are your parents getting back?" I ask him.
"Seven-ish." Tyler replies taking another bite of his sandwich.
I look over at the clock.
Three forty eight.
Still a lot of time.
"So what do you wanna do?" Tyler asks me.
I smile to myself.
"Oh I don't know.." I say smiling.
"You don't know?" Tyler asks finishing his sandwich.
He sets his plate on the coffee table and turns to me.
Oh god!
Those eyes!
"Jordyn?" Tyler asks.
"Yeah?" I ask snapping back to reality.
"You wanna watch a movie?" Tyler asks.
"Oh yeah sure." I say.
"You don't seem so sure.." Tyler says looking into my eyes.
"Sorry." I say giving him a sheepish smile.
"What's on your mind?" Tyler asks curiously.
I open my mouth to answer but my phone rings.
"Sorry." I say to Tyler as I look at the caller ID.
"Hey." I say answering the phone.
"It finally happened!" Holly squeals on the other side.
"What happened?" I ask her.
"Dylan! He asked me out!" Holly squeals.
"What?!" I ask excitedly.
"Yeah! Tomorrow afternoon!" Holly says.
"Wow congratulations!" I say smiling.
"Thanks, I'm gonna go now, I know you're with Tyler." Holly says.
"Ok, good luck." I say.
"Thank you." She says.
"Ok bye." I say hanging up.
"What was that about?" Tyler asks me.
"Dylan finally asked Holly out." I say smiling.
"Ah I see." There says.
I smile and look into Tyler's eyes.
"So what's been on your mind?" Tyler asks me.
"You." I reply simply.
Tyler smiles and kisses my forehead.
"I love you little Angel." He says.
"I love you more." I say smiling.
"Doubtful." Tyler smirks.
"Oh really?" I ask folding my arms across my chest.
"Really." Tyler says leaning closer to me.
"Not a chance." I say.
Tyler laughs and gives me a quick kiss.
Such a tease!
"You're so cute!" Tyler says pinching my cheek.
I swat his hand away playfully and stick my tongue out at him.
"So you're a feisty Angel." Tyler jokes.
I just roll my eyes at him. 
Such a nerd.
A cute nerd though.
My cute nerd.
I smile at my new nickname for him.
"What are you smiling about?" Tyler asks me.
"Oh nothing." I say getting off the couch.
"Tell me." Tyler says copying my action.
"Never." I say smiling.
"Maybe I'll have to tickle it out of you." Tyler says smirking.
Ok nows the time to run.
I bolt into the kitchen which was a stupid idea.
Tyler follows me and corners me against the fridge.
Now I'm trapped!
"There's no escaping now." Tyler grins playfully.
Think think think!!
So I do the first thing that comes to mind.
I punch him lightly in the gut then run away.
It wasn't hard enough to hurt him but just to surprise him.
And it worked.
This time I chose a smarter place to run.
I ran up the stairs with Tyler on my trail.
The bathroom was the closest door so I darted inside and locked the door.
Whew that was close!
But what I didn't realize was that the bathroom was connected to Tyler's room.
When Tyler appears in the doorway I squeal and turn to run away but I'm not fast enough to unlock the door.
Tyler wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me back.
"Let me go!" I squeal.
"No." Tyler whispers in my ear.
Tingles creep up my body as his breath hits my skin.
Does he know what he does to me?
I ignore the tingles shooting through my body and turn around in Tyler's arms to face him.
He smiles at me and I roll my eyes.
"I told you there was no escaping." Tyler says.
"Let me go or I'll kick you in the nards." I threaten.
"You wouldn't do that, we wouldn't be able to have any fun." Tyler teases.
Ok he's right.
I smirk and kick his shin.
"Ow!" He yells releasing me.
I laugh as he glares at me.
"That hurt." He complains.
"Awe I'm sorry." I say smiling a little.
"Yeah you look so sorry." Tyler says.
I laugh and roll my eyes at him.
"Are you ok?" I finally ask him.
"Yes." He laughs.
"Ok, let's go back downstairs." I say.
He nods his head and are walk back to the living room.
It was already five o'clock.
"I'm gonna head back home, I guess I'll talk to you later." I say sighing.
"Goodbye Angel." Tyler says kissing me.
"Goodbye." I say smiling.
I head out the door and get into my car.

Once I get home I walk up to my room and collapse onto my bed.
I'm so freakin tired.
Stupid school.
I push those thoughts away and change into night shorts and a tank top.
After brushing my hair and putting it in a messy bun I had downstairs to get something to eat.
It was only five forty but I was tired as hell.
So I grabbed a bag of chips and headed back to my room.
Once a get into bed my phone dings.

I know you're tired so sleep well little Angel😴😇😇😴

I smile at the cute text and write back.

Me: Thanks😜 goodnight😴😴

Tyler: night night 😇😇😴😴

I smile and set my phone on my bedside table.
And almost instantly I drift off to sleep.

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