Those Beautiful Green Eyes

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It had been two days since I'd talked to Tyler.
Since he told me about his parents.
And it hurt like hell not being able to talk to him.
I could only imagine the pain he's going through, finding out his parents are getting divorced.
Since then I'd been really edgy and barely talked to Holly.
I know I should talk to her but it hurt too much.
But she's my best friend.
So I grab my phone and call her.
After three rings she picks up.
"Hey Jordyn, are you ok? You haven't talked to me in two days." Holly says from the other side of the phone.
I smiled at her concern for me.
"Um I'm fine I guess... I'm sorry for not talking to you I just needed to figure some things out." I explain.
"Have you talked to Tyler?" She asks.
"No... I'm gonna give him some space." I sigh.
"Ok, well I'm glad you're ok I was worried about you." Holly says.
"Thanks Holly." I say smiling.
"You're welcome, I love you." Holly says.
"I love you too." I say.
"I'm gonna go to bed, but if you need to talk I'm here." She says.
"Ok, thank you." I say.
"Anytime." Holly says before hanging up.
I set my phone down and sigh.
It had only been two days and I miss him so much.
But I had to stop thinking about my feelings.
What about his?
His parents are getting divorced, of course he's upset.
And of course he needs space.
My phone dings on my bedside table and my heart jumps,maybe it's Tyler.
But the text shows its from dad.
I sigh and open it.

Dad: Hey honey gonna be home in a few minutes

Me: ok

Dad: I know this is a silly question, but are you ok?

I had told Dad everything that happened with Tyler.
And no I am not ok.
Well no sense in lying

Me: no I'm not ok

Dad: I'll be home soon talk then I love you

Me: ok, I love you.

By the time I'm done texting dad my eyes are flooded with tears.
God why does it hurt so bad?
I lay down on my bed and bury my face in my pillows as tears stream down my face.
What's wrong with me?
My pain was nothing compared to what Tyler is feeling.
But most of my pain was because of his pain.
I hated to see the ones I love hurting.
I hear footsteps approaching my room and I know it's dad.
My bed dips and he puts his hand on my forehead.
"Jordyn you're burning up!" Dad says alarmed.
I sit up to face him.
"You have a fever." Dad says worriedly.
"Dad I'm fine." I lie.
I wasn't fine.
In fact I felt horrible.
"No, get changed into night clothes and get into bed." Dad orders.
"Ok." I groan getting up.
"I'll be back when you're done." Dad says leaving the room.
I quickly change into a plain blue T-shirt and a pair a black leggings.
"I'm done." I call out to dad.
He comes back into my room as I'm crawling into bed.
"You need to rest." He says sitting on my bed.
"I will." I say.
"Are you ok honey?" He asks.
"No." I sigh.
"Has Tyler talked to you?" Dad asks.
"No." I say looking down.
"Honey, I know it hurts." Here says.
"I don't care about my pain, it's him in worried about." I say as more tears threaten to spill.
"I know." Dad sighs.
"I love him, and it kills me to see him hurt." I say as tears slide down my cheek.
God I'm a mess.
"I promise he'll come around, just give him time and space." Dad says.
I nod my head and wipe the tears away.
"Now get some rest." Dad says kissing my forehead.
"Night dad, I love you." I say smiling.
"I love you Jordyn." Dad says turning off my light and leaving.

Why is it so bright?
What is it?
And why was it giving me such a headache?
I didn't even have my eyes open.
Well I was feeling brave so I opened my eyes and was almost blinded.
The sunlight shone through my window making me squint.
Damn I thought I closed the blinds last night.
Apparently not.
Stupid light.
I prefer the dark.
Yeah not a morning person.
"Hey you're awake." Dad says walking into my room.
"Morning." I say yawning.
Luckily it's Saturday so I don't have school!
"Let me check your temperature." Dad says.
I sigh and open my mouth as he puts the thermometer in under my tongue.
It beeps and dad looks at it and sighs.
"You've got a bad fever." Dad says.
I groan and lay back in bed.
"You're gonna be out of commission for a while kiddo." Dad says.
"I'm hungry." I say.
"Ok, I'll get you something to eat." Dad says leaving.
Oh god I feel horrible.
I feel like I just got thrown from a thirty story building, run over by a semi truck, then trampled on by giants.
Ok maybe that was an exaggeration.
But close enough.
Yeah let's just say I didn't feel good

A few minutes later dad comes back with a small tray of food.
He sets the tray on my lap and sits on my bed.
"Thank you." I say smiling.
"You're welcome." Dad says.
I start eating but after a few bites I feel like I'm gonna puke.
"You done?" Dad asks.
"Yeah." I nod my head.
"Ok, I called out of work for a few days to make sure that you're ok." Dad says.
"Dad you didn't need to do that." I say.
"Yes I did, you're my little girl, I want to make sure you're ok." Dad says smiling.
I smile and roll my eyes.
Dad leaves the room and takes the food with him.
My phone dings telling me I got a message.
I pick it up to see Holly's name on the screen.

Holly: Hey your dad said you're sick 😷😷😢😥😥

Me: yeah I am 😞

Holly: awe I'm sorry, I'm gonna head over in a few minutes

Me: thanks Holly 😊 you're the best ever😊😊

Holly: anytime girl😀

I smile and set my phone down.
I'm so lucky to have a best friend like Holly.
She had always been there for me.
When my mom left.
When I got in that car crash when I was only eight and had to be in the hospital for a week.
Yeah that sucked.
But she had always been there for me.
I'm pulled from my thoughts when there's a soft knock on my door.
I look up and smile when I see Holly.
She smiles at me and walks in.
"How you feeling?" She asks sitting on my bed.
"Like crap." I groan.
"I'm sorry." She says giving me a sympathetic smile.
"Thanks." I say.
"You're dad just left to get some food, said he'd be back in a few minutes." Holly says.
"Ok." I say.
"Are you ok hon?" Holly asks putting her hand on mine.
"Yeah I guess." I say.
"That's not good, Jordyn." Holly says looking into my eyes.
I sigh and close my eyes.
"I just need a distraction." I say opening my eyes.
Holly nods here head in understanding and starts talking about dance class to keep my mind off Tyler.
And to my surprise it actually worked!
She told me about all her dance partners and how they're putting a routine together for a state wide dance competition in two months.
Then she showed me a video of the routine, it was amazing!
Then she told me how the group leader, Rachel, had broke her ankle so Matthew had to take over
I smiled as she looked so focused on the dance.
"So that's pretty much it." She says finishing.
I smile and slap her arm lightly.
"I'm so proud of you Holly! Going into a state wide dance competition! You'll be great!" I say smiling.
"Thanks, I know it's two months away but I'm so nervous!" She says.
"Don't worry, you'll be great." I say.
"Thanks Jordyn." She says hugging me.
"Anytime girl." I say smiling.
Holly laughs and rolls her eyes.
"So.. What's up with you and Dylan?" I ask curiously.
Two weeks ago they had started dating and Holly had never looked happier.
"I don't know.. He's been quite distant for the past few days." Holly says frowning.
"I'm sure everything will work out." I say smiling.
"Thanks." Holly says smiling back.
"I'm gonna go use the bathroom, be back in a minute." Holly says getting up to the bathroom.
I laugh and sit back.
God it felt so good to laugh.
I hear a soft knock on my door and look up to meet a pair of shining green eyes.

I wanna thank @avi_mish for voting for my story 😝
Go read her story is awesome!
Follow her please 😝😎

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