Chapter 4

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Skylar's P.O.V.

It was already night time. Everybody was back in their dorms sleeping.

I, however, was walking through the woods of Duel Academy in my pajamas, which were a dark blue long-sleeve, white pajamas, and my boots.

The woods was the place I loved to hang out during my free time. Sometimes whenever I had trouble sleeping, I would always come here to relax.

I was so deep in thought, I didn't realize that I was at the docks. I stood on the bridge as I looked at the open water. I shook a little.

Oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you. I can't swim.

It happened when I was with my father and my godparents at a public pool and then I slipped and fell into the water. I was almost drowning, but luckily, the lifeguard saved me and I was unconscious for 5 minutes.

Since then, I have been afraid of going into the water.

It was then I heard a growl come from behind me.

I turned around and saw something horrifying.

It was a spirit, a woman. She had wavy, purple hair, blood red eyes, and deathly pale skin with fangs. I gasped as I backed up.

"Wha-What do you want? Who are you?" I asked in fear.

"I am your worst nightmare. Don't think you can escape from me. Soon, you will be all mine." she said in a demonic voice.

It was then I fell backwards with a scream before I found myself in the water.

'Oh, no! Not again!' I thought to myself.

I looked as I struggled to stay up and saw the spirit gone. I started panicking as I felt myself sinking, but I was trying to fight it.

"Somebody help me! Please! I can't swim!" I screamed in agony. It was then I heard a voice scream my name.

But, unfortunately, darkness took over me before I could see who it was.


Chazz's P.O.V.

I was walking to the docks to clear my head.

"Boss! You got to hurry!" my Ojama Yellow told me.

"What do you want, you little freaks?!" I asked furiously.

"Someone's drowning! Go! You close!" Ojama Black said.

"Fine!" I said as I sprinted into a run. I got to the docks and saw someone in the water.

"Somebody help me! Please! I can't swim!" the person shouted.

"Wait, I know that voice." I said as I took a closer look.

I gasped as I saw who it was. It was Skylar.

She looked scared as if she had seen a ghost.

"Go save her, Boss!" Ojama Yellow said.

"Shut up! I'm going!" I said before running.

"Skylar!" I shouted as she sank under the water.

I ran full speed before I jumped into the water. I spotted Skylar with her eyes closed. I immediately swam to her and grabbed her wrist.

We may not have the best relationship, but she needs to be saved and I can't let her die. I surfaced as I grabbed Skylar by her waist and put her on the bridge before pulling myself up.

"Skylar. Wake up!" I said as I shook her, but she wasn't responding.

I immediately put my mouth over hers before blowing air and starting chest compressions.

"Come on, Skylar." I begged as I continued CPR.

"Don't you dare die on me, Kaiba Girl." I said as I kept doing chest compressions.

Finally, she woke up and coughed all the water out as she gasped for air.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She turned as she held her head and her eyes widened.

"Chazz?" she asked.

Skylar's P.O.V.

I woke up with as I coughed out water and gasped for air. I clutched my throat as I coughed all the water out.

"Are you okay?" I heard someone ask.

I held my head as I turned around and my eyes widened as I saw who it was.

It was Chazz. He looked exhausted and was soaking wet.

'Chazz saved me? Wow. "Chazz?" I asked.

"Yeah. I saved your life. You were sinking." he told me.

"Thank you, Chazz. I don't know what would have happened to me if you hadn't been here." I told him.

"But, exactly why did you save me?" I asked him.

"They told me." he said as his three Ojamas appeared.

"Good work, boss. You saved a really pretty girl there." Ojama Yellow said.

"Skylar." I heard a voice say. I looked and saw my Blue Eyes White Dragon there.

"Thank you, Chazz. For saving our master." Blue Eyes told him.

"You're welcome." he said.

I don't know what came over me, but for some reason, I wrapped my arms around Chazz's neck, engulfing him in a hug.

He stayed frozen at the sudden move. I too came to my senses and immediately pulled away. "

Let's go back, Boss. You need rest." the Blue Eyes White Dragon said.

I nodded before I got up.

"Goodnight, Chazz." I said. "Goodnight." he replied.

My duel spirit guided me through the woods before we ended up at the Obelisk Blue Girl's dorm.

I went inside quietly before I went up to my room. I changed from my wet pajamas before drying myself off and getting into a blue nightgown. I put my hair in a bun before I fell asleep.

Chazz's P.O.V.

After Skylar left, I stood there, watching as she left, the Blue Eyes White Dragon spirit going with her.

"Look, guys! Boss has a little crush!" Ojama Black said.

"Shut up, you little freaks! I don't like her! I just saved her life because I don't think her father would like it if he found out she was dead!" I yelled at the three spirits. "

You surely like her." Ojama Yellow said.

"True that." Ojama Black agreed.

Okay, I've had enough!

"Shut up, you little dweebs and leave The Chazz alone! The Chazz only loves Alexis and will do anything to have her! I will never love a Kaiba!" I yelled at them.

"We'll see. That might change." Ojama Yellow told me.

I groaned in frustration before they disappeared.

I didn't like Skylar. She was more of a frenemy.

What was the point?? I only loved Alexis, and I would do anything to get her back from that Slifer slacker, Jaden.

A Princeton will never like a Kaiba.

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