Chapter 14

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Skylar's P.O.V.


That's all I'm surrounded by. No light, just darkness. I have been trapped here since Carmen controlled my body. I

wonder how Jaden and the others are, including Jesse and Chazz. I hope Carmen hasn't hurt them because if she has, I'll never forgive myself cause more likely, I blame myself.

"Where are you, Carmen? You monster!" I called out as I looked for her. "

You can't hide forever!" I yelled

It was then I heard an all to familiar voice talk to me. "Master Skylar." 

It was the voice of the Blue Eyes White Dragon. I decided to talk back to her, in my mind of course

"What is happening? Why is she doing this?" I asked her

"Skylar. Here, I can only talk to you. You can't see me, but we can communicate mentally." she explained.

"Why does she want to do this? What has she done?" I asked her. "

"Well, Carmen is doing this more likely out of revenge. She wants revenge on you for forgetting her and your memories of you two together. Ever since you hit puberty, you had forgotten her completely. She has been feeling sadness, anger, revenge, and hate for what happened."

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