Chapter 19

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Third Person P.O.V.

Tonight was the night. The night before Jesse and Chazz would have to duel Syrus and Skylar, well, Carmen.

The night where only one of the boys can save Skylar and possibly find out who is meant to be with Skylar.

Jesse and Chazz were not gonna stop at anything until they saved the girl they loved.

Jesse was currently in Jaden's room in the Slifer, talking with him.

"Well, Jesse. Be prepared for tomorrow." Jaden said to his best friend.

The teal-haired teen looked at him. "I am prepared. After she gets saved, I will try to let her decide who she wants to be with. I've decided to be patient with her." he said to Jaden.

The two boys were gonna see if he and Chazz would free their best friend, since she has always been there for them and them saving her will be the way to show their gratitude.

"Zane and Atticus are doing well now. Thing is that they don't care if they were hurt because all they're focused on is Skylar. Everyone is, even Aster." Jaden said.

Jaden then looked at the picture he had of him, Skylar, and Jesse.

They had their arms around each other with smiles while Jesse did a piece sign and Jaden his 'That's game' sign.

"I still remember that time when I was under Yubel's control. I saved her that one time from that beast." Jesse said.

"Yeah. I remember it as well. I saw it happen, but I didn't go because my anger got in the way. I feel guilty." Jaden explained.


Skylar was walking around in the woods of the dimension that she and all her friends were transported in to find Jesse.

She was covering herself with a black cloak hood so she wouldn't get spotted. She had her duel disk prepared in case a fiend wanted to duel.

It was then she heard a rustle.

She turned around and gasped as she saw a fiend there, but this fiend had an axe. Skylar got out a card.

"Valkyria! Come out!"  She commanded Magician's Valkyria to attack, but the spellcaster was destroyed because she was weak against the fiend.

Skylar knew that she had to run because the fiend was getting closer. So she did.

She ran and ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

In doing so, her cloak came off.

'Come on, Sky. Run faster!' she thought to herself as she pushed herself, the fiend gaining on her.

As she was running as fast as she could, she ended up tripping over a branch that was there, earning a gash on her forehead and a long cut on her arm.

Skylar groaned before she looked and saw the fiend in front of her.

Just as she braced for her demise, she heard a loud trumpet like noise, but animal-like.

She looked and saw a huge, gray, almost purple, wooly mammoth standing in front of her protectively and facing off the fiend.

Then, a pink cat wearing a jewel necklace came in and pounced on the fiend, scratching him.

Finally, the mammoth stomped over and crushed him.

Not long before that, the mammoth and cat disappeared.

She realized they were Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat and Amber Mammoth.

"Could it be?" she whispered as she looked at her bleeding arm and felt her gash, hissing in pain from the sudden contact.

She saw blood on her hand. She heard footsteps and she looked and gasped at what she saw.

It was Jesse, but it wasn't his normal self. No, this Jesse was different.

Instead of his usual outfit, he was wearing a light brown cloak, dark pants, a navy vest with belts on it, even some on his arms, and a black tank top as well as dark boots.

His eyes were orange and his figure looked like a dark figure.

Dark as in those people who turn evil when something happens.

"J-Jesse?!" she said as she saw the person she thought was dead.

"Yes, Skylar." he replied.

"Your eyes." she said.

"Don't worry about it." he said as he took of his cloak and found a nearby river before dumping it in there.

He walked back over to Skylar and began dabbing her injured arm.

Skylar hissed in pain before grasping Jesse's hand. He looked at her and she met his eyes.

Though they seemed different, she couldn't quite put her finger on it, so she just went with the flow.

"Sorry." she said before Jesse went back to cleaning and bandaging her arm.

He then turned his attention to the gash on her head.

The daughter of Kaiba winced in pain as she gripped her skirt.

After Jesse cleaned her gash, he ripped some of his cloack and wrapped her head in a piece.

"Thanks, Jesse." she said as he got up.

Little did she know was that this wasn't actually Jesse, but Yubel.

Jesse turned to look back to her before throwing back the cloak she dropped that he found to her and leaving.

"Wait, Jesse! Come back!" she said, but he then disappeared. She then did something only she could do for now.

"Red-Eyes Black Dragon. Come out." she commanded as she held out the card that her Uncle Joey had given to her when he found an extra copy.

The black, red-eyed dragon came out with it's hawk-like roar.

He knew his master couldn't walk with her injuries for a while, so he bent down and Skylar put on back her cloak and got on his back.

"Now, Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Masked Dragon, come out so you can help us just in case." she said as the two dragons came out.

The dragons began to fly, trying to help Skylar to find her friends.

Skylar was known by the students at Duel Academy not only as Seto Kaiba's daughter, but also as the 'Dragon Master'.

Little did she know that there was a certain brown-haired teen she knew all to well watching what just happened.

He sighed before leaving.

*End of Flashback*

Jesse and Jaden looked at each other before nodding.

'We're gonna save you, Sky.' Jesse thought to himself.

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