Chapter 30 (Final Chapter)

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A/N: Well, my fellow readers. Here it is. The duel you've all been waiting for. Behold the ultimate duel between Skylar and Carmen! 

Skylar's P.O.V.

I took a deep breath as I looked in the mirror, wearing my Millennium Necklace.

This is it.

Now's the final battle between me and Carmen in order to protect my family, friends, and the Academy.

Hopefully, I can get rid of the darkness in her heart and replace it with light.

The only way I can get Carmen to come out hopefully is if I take the Millennium Necklace with me.

I averted my eyes to my deck and I saw all my Duel Monster spirits appear.

"I'm trusting you guys. I believe you all can help me in this duel." I explained.

"We will, milady. We promise." Dark Magician told me as the others nodded.

"But there's one thing you should know about Carmen. Because of all the hate and vengeance that has clouded her mind and eyes, she has weakened in dueling. So, you might have a shot at beating her."

They all disappeared and I got out of my room, walking through the hall and out of the girl's Obelisk Blue dorm.

I walked and walked until I made it to the Academy and I ended up seeing the entrance to the dueling stadium.

Just as I was about to walk, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned and saw Jesse and Chazz there.

"Hey, guys." I told them.

"You nervous?" Jesse asked.

"No. Well, kinda. But I don't think I am." I explained.

"You'll make it, Skylar. I know you will. We both do." Chazz reassured.

I hugged both of them and relaxed into their warm embrace.

"Remember that I love you. I always will. Even you choose Crystal Boy." Chazz told me.

"I agree with him. I love you as well." Jesse said.

I smiled as we pulled away.

"Well, for good luck, might as well give you a confidence boost." Jesse said. Suddenly, he pulled me towards him and pressed his lips against mine.

It was only for a few seconds before he pulled away.

"And since I already gave you one of those, here's a different one." Chazz said.

He gently, but firmly kissed my forehead.

I smiled as he pulled away.

"Thanks. Now, I'm ready." I told them.

We all walked inside and Jesse and Chazz both went to find their seats.

I looked and saw the seats all packed, with some people sitting on the floor.

I searched with my eyes and found my friends and family all together in one area. I nodded at them and took my spot on the stage.

I closed my eyes.

'Well, Carmen. Time for you to come out for good. Let the battle begin.' I talked to her through telepathy.

'Hahaha. Very well, Skylar. Be prepared.' she replied.

Soon, my Millennium necklace glowed and I groaned in pain as I felt the energy from it leave and I saw a black mist come out.

Soon, in front of me, I saw her. Her long, purple hair, her blood red eyes, and her menacing smirk.

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