Chapter 6

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Skylar's P.O.V.

"Come on, Jess. You can do it. Believe in yourself." I said as I timed Jesse, who was running his 4th lap after doing 8 stages of a workout that Hassleberry suggested. 

Military style. 

Jesse was breathing heavily as he was almost there. 

"Just a little more, Jess." I encouraged him. 

When he was done, I saw that his time was 4:17. 

"Good job, Jesse." I told him as I patted his shoulder. 

"Skylar!" I heard an all too familiar female voice call out.

I turned around and saw Alexis walking towards me. 

"Hey, Lexi." I greeted her. 

"What's wrong with Jesse?" she asked as Jesse was about to fall, but Hassleberry caught him. 

"I'll take him to rest. See you, private." he said before carrying Jesse away. 

I then turned my attention back to Alexis. "What's up?" I asked her. 

"I need help, Sky. It involves me and Jaden." she explained. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"So lately, Jaden has been ignoring me. I don't know what's going on. He's been ignoring me ever since I had been helping some Ra yellow kid with his homework." she explained.

"Oh, no. He's not gonna be ignoring my best friend under any circumstances. You two belong together and I will make sure you two stay together. Let me help you out. You will need a good look." I told her as I grabbed her hand and led her out of the gym and to the Obelisk Blue Girl's dorm. 

I took her to my room and set her down on my vanity chair. 

"Okay. Close your eyes." I told her before I took out my makeup bag. 

I never really used it, but it consisted of eyeliner, mascara, lip gloss, and blush.

She closed her eyes before grabbing my eyeliner and slowly glided it on each her eyelids, making a little wing at the end. 

I turned her around before I got my mascara. 

"Open your eyes." I told her. 

She did and I began working on putting the mascara on her eyelashes until they were up and blended beautifully with her eyeliner. 

I then got my blush before I applied three strokes on each her cheeks. I then got my curling iron and plugged it in. 

"I'm sure Jaden's gonna love this and hopefully, it'll bring you two close again." I told her as I got my curling iron and began working on one strand after another.

After an hour and a half of working on Alexis, I was done. Her hair was in beautiful locks that reached her mid- back. She looked really beautiful and amazing. 

"You ready?" I asked her. 

She nodded and I turned her around before she opened her eyes and gasped. 

"I love it." she said. 

"I know. I'm great." I told her. 

"Thank you so much." she said as she hugged me. 

I smiled and hugged her back. When we separated, she stood up and I went to my closet, where I picked out a teal blue dress with rhinestones on the sides and was floor-length. 

"Go and put this on. It should fit you." I told her.

 She nodded before taking the dress and going to the bathroom.

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