Chapter 21 Part 2

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A/N: You can play the video now It's by my all-time favorite band, Black Veil Brides. Enjoy the chapter!

Third Person P.O.V.

"It's my move. I draw." Skylar/Carmen said.

"I will summon out Kaibaman. Now, I will sacrifice him to bring out legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon." she said as the dragon appeared.

"Then, I will activate Return From The Different Dimension to bring back my two other Blue-Eyes in attack mode and my Queen's Knight and Magician's Valkyria in defense." she said as her monsters appeared.

'What she doesn't know is that Dorothy gave me some cards that could help me more.' Chazz thought to himself.

"Now, I will use Polymerization in order to fuse my three dragons to summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon." Skylar/Carmen said.

The three dragons merged and out came the ultimate monster.

"Now, I will end my turn."

"I draw." Syrus started. "I play the face down spell card, Graceful Charity. This lets me draw three new cards as I discard two." he said as he discarded his Metaphys Armed Dragon and Call of The Haunted and drew three new cards.

"I summon my Earl of Demise and Masked Dragon. Now, I will sacrifice them both in order to summon my Hyozanryu!" he said as the dragon came out.

"Now, attack Jesse's Amethyst Cat." he commanded.

Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat then turned into a crystal in Jesse's Spell/Trap card zone.

"When my Crystal Beast gets destroyed, instead of going to the Graveyard, it turns into a crystal in my spell or trap card zone." Jesse said.

Syrus groaned in frustration. "Now, I end my turn."

"I draw." Chazz said. Due to Silent Magician's ability, she gained another Spell Counter and her attack points rose from 1500 to 2000.

"I summon forth Peten The Dark Clown in defense mode. Now, I will have Summoned Skull attack Queen's Knight!" Queen's Knight was destroyed and Skylar/Carmen groaned.

"That's not all! Summoned Skull, attack her Valkyria!" the fiend blasted before Valkyria was no more. Then, he looked at one of the cards Dorthy had given him.

"And I play the spell, Lightning Vortex! With this card, I can destroy any monster on my opponent's side of the field! And I choose your Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" he said.

"It can't be!" Skylar/Carmen said as her mighty dragon was no more.

"Oh, it be! Now, I activate Return From The Different Dimension. By paying half my life points, I can bring back my banished monsters. I choose my X-Head Cannon, Y-Dragon Head, and Z-Metal Tank. Now, they can fuse in order to form XYZ Dragon Cannon in attack mode. Now, I will have it attack you directly."

For some reason, Skylar/Carmen was feeling weakened as her life points went from 4000 to 1400.

One of her most powerful monsters was destroyed and all of a sudden, she felt kind of weak after the direct hit.

"Skylar! Think of your mother! She would want for you to not be this way!" Kaiba shouted as he tried to find a way to get to his daughter.

Just then, the young girl began to groan as she felt a searing pain in her head.

"Leave me alone! I don't have a mother and I never did!" she yelled as her Millennium Necklace glowed.

"I hope Chazz and Jesse free Skylar, because I have a bad feeling about this." Atticus said.

"This seems to be going good. I mean, her life points are at 1400 already." Jaden said.

Just then, Yubel appeared to him.

"Guess again, Jaden. The power of that Millennium Necklace holds that spirit. The spirit has gotten stronger from the betrayal, anger, and hate she felt all these years." she told him.

"How do you know so much about this, Yubel?" he asked as he worried more about his two best friends.

"Just how I was always your guardian back then when you were a kid, that is how Carmen was with Skylar. Those two were always by each other's side. Carmen was just a regular spirit who protected until Skylar forgot about her. And then, Carmen came across the Millennium Necklace and decided to make it where she would be. Just like how Atem is apart of Yugi's Millemium Puzzle, Carmen is like that with Skylar's Millemium Necklace." she explained.

Jaden was shocked, but averted his attention back to the four people dueling.

"My move. I draw. I summon Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus in attack mode. Now, I will activate the spell card, Crystal Release. With this card, I can equip it to any Crystal Beast on my side of the field. They are going straight to Pegasus." he said as Sapphire Pegasus's attack points went from 1800 to 2800. Then, I will activate the trap card I thought would be a good opportunity called Shadow Spell. Now, your monster loses 700 attack points." Jesse said as

Hyozanryu's attack points went from 2100 to 1400.

"Now, attack his dragon!" he commanded.

Syrus groaned as his life points went from 2000 to 700.

"Now, I will have Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus attack you directly!" he said.

The flying horse charged at Syrus before attacking him.

In doing so, Syrus dropped to his knees and fainted as his life points hit 0.

"Syrus is taken care of, Chazz. Now, free Skylar and get rid of that wicked spirit inside her!" Jesse said.

Chazz looked at him and nodded before turning his head towards Skylar, who was glaring daggers at him and she was glowing green.

"You took away my helper! You'll pay for that!" Chazz realized that this was Carmen talking, since Skylar's body was glowing green.

Chazz sweatdropped a bit as he looked at her before the glowing stopped.

'You won't be here for long.' he thought to himself as he looked at Kaiba's deck.

'Deck, don't fail me.'

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