Chapter one

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(A/N sorry if it seems rushed I wanted to get this part out of the way to get to the interesting parts)

I exited the train and took in the Scottish air. I looked around and decided that Scotland was my favorite place I have visited. It was beautiful here and I couldn't wait to explore it.

The steward helped carry my bags to my car which I had shipped here before I got on the train. I thanked him and drove off. I was heading to the hotel I was to stay in and when I got there I was immediately welcomed and shown to my room. I quickly unpacked and headed out the door eager to explore.

A few hours later I came across some weird looking stones. As I was exploring them I heard a loud noise coming from the middle stone. It sounded like a ton of bees buzzing around me. I slowly walked over to it and something in me told me that I should place my hands on it so I did. The next thing I knew I was looking up at the sky. What just happened felt like when I was in that awful car accident but in slow motion and silent. I groaned and slowly sat up, I then noticed a woman standing beside me, she was staring at me with a look of disbelief on her face. I also noticed that she looked like she had been running from the way she was panting and that the bottom of her dress was torn.

"Who are you?'" She asked.

"My name is Claire Beauchamp" I told her standing up. She took a step back then quickly looked behind her. She must have seen something because she quickly grabbed my hand and started running into the woods. Wait a minute there was no woods here a second ago, where am I?

"Quickly Miss. Beauchamp or they will catch us" she said as she guided me through the trees.

"Who will catch us and what is your name?"

"The red coats will and my name is Isabelle Douglas" she said. Before I could ask her any more questions she dragged me behind a large fallen tree. Not a few seconds later a large group of British soldiers came rushing past us. We stayed hidden until we couldn't hear their footsteps. Isabelle let out a sigh of relief then stood and held out her hand to me which I took and stood up.

" Come Miss. Beauchamp, let's go to my home."

"If I go with you will you answer my questions?" I asked making nod. We headed east for what seemed like ages but was probably only five minutes, until we came to a little cottage. We entered the house and the first thing I see was a man running up to Isabelle and hugging her.

"Where the hell have you been?" he said in a Scottish accent that was like Isabelle's. " I've been worried sick about you."

"I'm truly sorry dear I was picking berries when I heard a noise. I looked up and noticed red coats coming straight at me, I ran and they followed when I saw the lass here coming out of the stones I froze." She said. The man's brown eyes went to mine. "Her name is Claire Beauchamp."

"Nice to meet you Miss. Beauchamp, my name is Alec Douglas, Isabelle's husband." he said.

"Nice to meet you too." I said. "Now can you please tell me what century we're in?"

"18th century lass" Isabelle said. "Why don't you take a seat and we can talk before dinner?" I nodded still in shock at the news that I am no longer in 1945. We all took a seat on chairs in front of the fire.

"What is the date exactly?" I said.

"It is Wednesday, August 23, 1743 lass." Alec said. Oh no it can't be I thought.

"Miss. Beauchamp are you alright?" Isabelle asked "You look pale."

"I'm alright, I'm just a bit shocked." I said making them nodded. They started asking question about where I'm from and how I came to be in Scotland. I answered the best I could and when we both finished asking questions we ate dinner before Isabelle showed me to the extra bed in the attic.

How was it, please leave kind comments below see ya later

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