Chapter Eleven

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Warning Mature Conduct
I Want Crazy - Hunter Hayes
Geillis Duncan- Lotte Verbeek

A few days later my shoulder was healing nicely so today was the day I was taking the bandage off. When I told Jamie how irritating the bandages were while I was taking them off, he responded by laughing at me. I tackled him onto the bed and straddled his waist.

"Are you laughing at me Jamie Fraser?" I asked.

"Aye" he said giving me a radiant smile.

"We can't have you laughing at me can we Mr. Fraser?" I said slowly pinning his hands on the bed above his head.

"What are you going to do about it Sassenach?"

"I'm going to punish you."

"How so?" He said as I slid my hands down his arms to his chest, down to his stomach then back up.

"I'm going to make you want me so bad." I said with a wicked grin.

"Wicked lass"

"Yes, I am but you enjoy it don't you?" He nodded as I did the same thing I did before again. After one more time of stroking his body with my hands I decided to rub my lower half against his. I felt him grow hard and before he could take control I stopped and rolled of him. I stood up and walked towards the door then turned to him. "This is what happens when you laugh at me." I said before leaving a shocked Jamie behind. I ran towards the stairs and right when I got to them I heard running behind me so I quickened my pace but to no avail. Jamie had picked me up and thrown me on to his shoulder and walked back to our room to make love to me. A few hours later Jamie was called for a meeting with Colum and I was left by myself. I had decided that I wanted to explore the gardens and see what they had, so I grabbed a basket from the kitchen and asked the maids where the garden was. They pointed me in the right direction and I finally found the garden. While I was in the garden I felt like I was being watched. I looked up to see a red haired women staring at me. I stared back at her before continuing to collect herbs. I heard footsteps approach me and turned to face the woman.

"I'm Geillis Duncan" she said.

"Claire Fraser" I said.

"I feel like we are going to be great friends." She said. I nodded not knowing what to say to that random sentence. "Would you like to join me at my home for tea later?"

"Sure, why not?" I said.

"Great, I'll meet you by the stables and we will walk to my house together" She said. I nodded and she left. I stayed in the garden for a few more minutes before going back to the kitchen and giving my herbs to the maid to make into potions. I headed upstairs to change when I ran into someone.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean too." I said. Laoghaire Mackenzie look at me with a scowl.

"Save it, why don't you go back to the English and leave poor Jamie alone." She said

"Excuse me?" I said shocked.

"My poor Jamie, trapped in a loveless marriage forced to share his bed with a cold English bitch." She said before I slapped her.

"You better watch what you say girl." I said then left her holding her cheek. When I made it into our room I was calmer. I quickly changed not wanting help with dressing. Once I was dressed I left my room to go to the stables. When I arrived at the stables I saw Geillis waiting for me. She smiled once she saw me and we exchanged greetings as we walked to her house. Once in her home we began to talk about our lives while she made tea. She told me she was a widow for a year now after someone killed her husband. She was also a healer but that everyone called her a witch. I told her about how my parents died when I was young and that my uncle raised me. Someone knocking on the front door interrupted us. One of the maids opened the door a three guards pushed passed her.

"Geillis Duncan, you are under arrest for witchcraft." One of the guards said.

"Under whose orders?" I said. One of the guards grabbed my arm.

"Here's the other sorceress."

"I demand that you let us go we have done nothing wrong." I said struggling against his grip. They took us out of the house and threw us into a prison carriage.

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