Chapter two

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Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser
Something I Need by One Republic

The next morning I woke up to Isabelle shaking me. She told me to get up so she can dress me properly, I got up and she started undressing me. It took about an hour to put the dress on and I can honestly say that I hate corsets. After that we went downstairs for breakfast, Alec was already eating when we sat down at the table.

"May I ask you a question Miss. Beauchamp?" Alec asked which I nodded too. "Do you know how to use a sword?" I shook my head and he grinned. "Would you like to learn how too?" I nodded.

"Great, Alec is the best teacher in all of Scotland, he even taught our dearest friend how to fight." Isabelle said smiling at her husband. Alec smiled back then kissed her hand. It was nice to see two people clearly in love with each other.  Back in her time, people got divorced more than they stayed together.

"We shall begin lessons today lass" he said then stood kissing Isabelle on the cheek. "Meet me outside when you are ready." Then he went outside. I quickly finished up and joined Alec outside. A few hours later and we both came inside I was so tired that I skipped lunch and went straight to bed.

6 months later

It's been six months since I came here and by that time I have become very good with a sword and dagger. I have beaten Alec many times in a fight and each time I felt stronger, more alive then I've ever been. I felt like I was meant to be here. I loved it here and thought nothing bad would happen. I thought wrong.

The day when everything turned from good to bad, I was out in the farm house with Isabelle and we were milking cows when we heard shouting. We looked out the window and saw red coats surrounding the cottage. Alec was kneeling with a gun pointed to his head and he was looking at us. Fortunately, the red coats didn't notice us. Isabella turned to me and said.

"Claire, you must run away."

"I won't leave without you." I said.

"You must lass" she said "if they catch you and interrogate you, let me tell you that no one has come out of a British interrogation alive. Doona worry about me, if I die I want to die with my husband, now go." She said pushing me to the backdoor of the barn. I knew that there was no way she would leave her husband so I gave her a hug and ran for my life. All I heard was two gunshots and I knew they were dead. Right then and there I promised myself that I would avenge them.

I ran till my feet were sore and my body to weak to go on, I fell to the ground by a waterfall and crawled to it so that I could clean my sweaty face. Once I gained my strength back I stood and walk to a village not far from where I am. From there I went into the local tavern and told Sally, the barmaid that I have come to like what happened.

She gave me two bags full of coins, a basket of food and some clothes. I wiped myself down with a rag and cool water in her room then put the clothes and grabbed my stuff then left. I walked in to the forest and continued walking for about three hours till I came to an abandoned cottage on the edge of a hill. It was perfect. It was far enough from the road and I could easily hear if there was any noises. I fell asleep on my new bed dreaming that I was back on the farm with Alec and Isabelle.

A few days later I awoke to the sound of a fight. I looked outside and saw four Scotsmen fighting with the red coats. I quickly grabbed my sword and dagger that I had bought the day before in town and ran out of the cottage towards the fight. I came up behind a red coat and stabbed him through the heart, another one came at me and I took him out with my dagger. By the time the fight was over I had killed fifteen red coats. The Scots won and were cheering, I took one more look at them before turning to head back to my cottage.

"Hey lass" one of the Scots yelled. I turned back to them. "What's your name and where the hell did you learn to fight like that?"

"My name is Claire Beauchamp and I learned from Alec Douglas." I said trying not to cry. A red haired man walked up to me and might I say he had pretty eyes.

"My name is Jamie Fraser, laird of Lallybroch and any friend of Alec's is a friend of mine." He said. I nodded at him then began to turn.

"How is Alec?" the same Scot who yelled at me the first time said. That sentence broke me and tears rushed down my face.

"He's dead, Isabelle and Alec were murder by the red coats." I said then turned and ran. I heard silence behind me then loud running footsteps following mine. I ran into the cottage and into my room, closing the door then leaning against it as I cried my heart out. Who would have thought that you could love two people as much as I loved Alec and Isabelle Douglas.

I cried for a few minutes more before changing out of my bloody clothes. Once I was clean I left my room and saw all four of the Scots sitting before the fire. Jamie never looked up from the fire when I entered the room. I walked over and sat across from him. I felt this strong urge to comfort him.

"He talked about you a lot." I said. Jamie looked up at me but said nothing. "He said that you grew up together and that he thought more of you like a brother then a laird." I saw a small hint of a smile on his face. "He said that you were always the one getting you and him into trouble." That made Jamie laugh.

"Tis true, I always got us in and out of trouble." I smiled. The one who yelled at me walked up to us.

"The names Angus Mhor" he said. Another man came over this one was bald and had a long grey beard.

"Names Dougal Mackenzie" he said the next one was a larger man.

"Rupert Mackenzie at your service." He said

"Nice to meet you all." I said

"Mind if we ask a few questions lass?" Dougal asked.

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