Chapter Six

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Warning mention of rape
I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace

We were taken to Brockton Castle and lead into a room where fifteen red coat officials were eating at a table. I remember that that was the first time I have ever felt so out of place, even though I was English, in my heart I felt Scottish. The English were more like traitors then family.

They pulled out a chair and pushed me into it, Dougal stood next to me never leaving my side. The men all looked at me and all I could feel was hatred towards them though I didn't show it.

The maid set a plate of food in front of me then left. I stared at it for a bit then looked up at them, refusing to eat the same food as them. They either seemed to not notice or chose not too.

"What is your name Madame?" The man who sat at the head of the table said.

"Claire Beauchamp" I said.

"My name is Thomas Hart" he said. "Miss Beauchamp may I ask why you are in the custody of the Mackenzies?" He asked.

"The Mackenzies are my friends and I have been visiting them." I said.

"Really, why?"

"Because I haven't seen them in awhile" I said. I was startled when the same door we came through opened and in walked a redcoat.

"I'm sorry I'm late I was-" he said but stop when he saw me. He just stared at me for what seemed like forever but was probably just a few minutes.

"Ah Captain Randall, how nice of you to join us." Mr Hart said making my blood boil at that name but again I didn't let it show. Randall nodded then sat down across from me. "This is Miss Claire Beauchamp and her escort Dougal Mackenzie." Mr Hart said.

"Really and what is a lovely women like you doing with scum?" Randall said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dougal tense.

"Mr. Mackenzie is my friend and I'd be appreciative if you do not speak about him like that." I said fighting back the rage. Randall's jaw clench and I could see the anger in his eyes and I could tell he has a short temper.

"All of you leave the room please." Randall said. They all got up and left but Dougal and Mr. Hart who stood by Randall and whispered something in his ear. Whatever it was it made Randall close his eyes and take a deep breath. Mr. Hart left the room while Dougal looked at me and I nodded.

"It's okay" I said. Dougal took one last look at Randall and I then left the room. Randall stood up and went to the window, he stood with his back to me.

"Tell me Miss. Beauchamp, have you every heard of the rebellion?"

"No, I can't say I have." I said. Randall turned around and looked at me.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Quite sure"

"You've never heard the Mackenzies talk about it?"

"Again, I have never heard of the rebellion." I said. Randall walked over to me a knelt down.

"You can tell me if they have, I won't harm you." He said.

"Just like you didn't hurt one of the Fraser men. I heard about what you did to him. You are a sadistic bastard and I don't trust you." I said. Randall's face turned red and he stood then slapped me. He grabbed me and forced me to stand hitting me again this time I fell to the floor. As soon as I hit the floor he kicked me in the stomach three times before the door was thrown open and Dougal walked in. He went to me and helped me up.

"I don't recall summoning you." Randall said as two guards with guns came in the room.

"We didn't come to fight so tell your wee men to put there guns down."

"You have till sundown tomorrow to bring her to Fort William for questioning or we will hunt you down and you will be hanged." He said. Dougal lead me out of the room once the redcoats moved out of the way. We left castle Brockton and rode till we got back to camp, when we didn't see them or our stuff we headed to a village past our camp and found our group. Dougal helped me off my horse and I took a few steps and was about to fall if Dougal hadn't caught me. I thanked him as he leaded me into the tavern.

We heard yelling and we looked up to see Jamie, Murtagh, Ned, and the Mackenzies rushing to us.

"Where have you been, we've been searching for you two?" Jamie asked.

"We were captured by the redcoats." Dougal said before telling them what happened. Half way through I got up and left the tavern . I went over a hill and sat by a pond. Jamie came up to me and sat down next to me.

"Dougal thinks it's a good idea for you to marry a Scot." He said. I looked at him."The redcoats can't arrest a Scottish person without a proper cause."

"So to save myself I must marry a Scot?" I said.

"Aye" he said.

"Who would volunteer to be in a forced marriage?"

"I would" he said.

"Don't you have someone you are interested in?"

"You mean am I promised?" He said. I nodded. "Nay, I'm not promised."

"I-I have to tell you something that might change your mind." I said. He just nodded letting me know to continue. "When I was sixteen I was traveling with my uncle when I was attack in the forest. My uncle was talking business to someone when a man dragged me into a stable and h-he raped me. I tried to scream and struggle but he shoved a cloth into my mouth and tied my hands together. When he was done he told me if I told a soul he'd kill me then he untied me and left. Now every time someone comes up from behind me they end up on the floor."

"Claire, I promise you that no one will lay a hand on you and if you will still have me I still want to marry you."

"You don't mind that I am not a virgin?"

"Nay, if you doona mind that I am." He said. I shook my head and he nodded standing up. "I told Dougal we will be married properly, everyone has a job to do even you lass. Ned found you a dress best go to the tavern so the maids can help you into it." He said before leaving me to my thoughts. I stood up and made my way back to the tavern.

The ladies rushed me up to my room and quickly undressed me. They helped me into my dress then did my hair. When we were done they put my cloak on and lead me downstairs and out of the tavern. The maids left me with Murtagh then headed back into the tavern. Murtagh took me down the road to the church where Jamie was waiting with the others. Jamie smiled when he saw me and I gave him a smile in return. We walked into the church and were married within an hour.

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