Chapter Ten

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Poison - Rita Ora

Jamie got off his horse and walked over to me. I stood and turned to leave. He grabbed me and turned me back around.

"Why were you trying to leave me?" He said. I ignored him as tears fall from my face. "If you love me why were you trying to leave me?"

"It's because I love you that I have to leave!" I shouted.

"What?" He said.

"I keep thinking what if it was you instead of Ally who died. What if Randall gets me again and he does what he did to your back to mine and how devastated you'd be and that you'd blame yourself. I don't want that for you so I need to go to the New World so you won't suffer." I said.

"Claire, I would suffer without you, did you ever think about that?" He asked. "How miserable I'd be without you, I'd have to follow you to the New World." He cupped my face and touched our foreheads together.

"You would leave your clan to follow me to the New World?"

"You are my clan now Claire, where you go I go."

"We can't be together, the world doesn't want us to be together."

"Who cares what the world wants, I love you and you love me isn't that enough?" He said. I knew I was making excuses and I know that he knows that too but there was still one thing that wasn't an excuse.

"What are we going to do about Randall, if we continue to stay at Lallybroch then Randall will continue to come now that he knows we're there?" I asked.

"We will go to Leoch for a bit then figure out what to do next." Jamie said. I nodded and hugged my husband.

"I'm sorry I tried to run from our problems."

"Tis okay Sassenach" he said. I lifted my head and looked at him curiously.

"What does that mean?"

"It means outlander or an English person" he said. I didn't know what to say so I just nodded. "Let's go, it's not safe out here." He said helping me on to my horse before getting on his. We turned around and headed towards Leoch. It took a day and a half to get there and by the time we did we were both exhausted.

As we headed into the castle we came across Murtagh. Jamie asked him if he would go to Lallybroch and tell Jenny and Ian that we will be staying with the Mackenzies for awhile and have the maids bring our clothes here Murtagh nodded and headed out.

Jamie lead me into the great hall where we meet Colum, his wife and son. Colum told us we were more than welcome here and to join the feast. We declined and told him we were tired from the journey, so Colum order a maid to show us to the nicest guest room. We followed her upstairs and into a room where the maid undressed me and left the room while I got into bed naked. Jamie did the same thing and we fell into a peaceful sleep in each others arms.

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