Chapter three

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Caitriona Balfe as Claire Beauchamp
Just Give Me A Reason by Pink

"I don't mind" I said.

"What happened the day they died?" I looked at Jamie for a second then looked down at my hands. I told them everything minus the part where I'm from the future. When I looked up everyone was staring at me.

"What?" I asked making them all look away except for Jamie and Dougal.

"Where's your husband lass?" Dougal said.

"Don't have one" I said looking into the fire.

"How old are you lass?" Dougal asked.

"Twenty seven, anymore questions?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I have one lass." Angus said "Do you have food?" I chuckled and nodded. I stood and headed into the kitchen. I was so busy chopping vegetables that I didn't see Jamie coming up behind me, before either of us knew it he was on the floor with a dagger to his throat. I quickly dropped the dagger.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Fraser" I said helping him up. He chuckled.

"Tis okay" he said.

"I did that to Alec one time while I was helping Isabelle cook. He came to tell me something and he reached out to touch me and the next thing he knows he's on the floor." I said trying to make a joke out of it. Jamie laugh which made the others come in the kitchen to investigate the noise.

"What's going on in here?" Rupert asked. Dougal rolled his eyes when Jamie wouldn't stop laughing and I wouldn't talk. Angus and Rupert followed Dougal out of the room.

"I came in here to ask you something Mistress Beauchamp." Jamie said.

"And what is that Mr. Fraser?" I asked.

"Will you go with us to my home?" He asked. I could see the worry in his eyes and again I felt an urge to comfort him. I gazed into his beautiful eyes then sighed.

"Mr. Fraser, I promised myself that I would avenge Isabelle and Alec's death and I can't do that if I'm behind your walls, I'm sorry but I must decline your offer." His eyes narrowed

"Mistress Beauchamp, I don't want to force you but if I must I will." He took a step towards me and I reacted by pulling out my sword.

"Try and force me to do anything I don't want to do and I'll run you through" I warned. Just then Angus, Rupert, and Dougal walked in, swords drawn.

"Put them down men I can handle her." He said arrogantly.

 "I doubt that, I will fight you for my freedom, if I win you leave me here." I stated.

"And if I win you come with me." I nodded we went outside and started to fight. I blocked as he lunged at me. I cut his arm and he cursed.

"Vixen" he said as I grinned. We fought for three hours before he pinned me to a tree with his sword against my neck.

"You're dead Mistress Beauchamp" he said. I glared at him and he gave me a dazzling smile. He removed his sword from my neck and stepped back. "Let's go lass" he said. We headed back in the house.

"I need to bandage your arm first, sit Mr. Fraser." I said before Jamie looked at the others.

"Go prepare the horses all of you." The others left the room while I prepared boiling water.

"Take your shirt off please." I said. It was charming when he hesitated for a second before taking it off. He was hesitating because he trying to be proper. He wanted to hide the scars on his back. He was damaged just like me. I traced my finger down his largest scar on his back.

"How did you get these if I may ask?"

"I stole some bread and my punishment was one hundred lashes but then a man named Jack Randall accused me of the murder of a red coat and he himself gave me another hundred." He said

"Did you do it?"

"Nay lass, I didn't do it but that didn't stop the bastard from putting a price on my head."

"You don't seem the type to do something like that." I said as I cleaned and bandaged his wound.

"I'm not the type lass" he said standing up. "I will go use the loo lass then we will be off." I nodded not showing any signs about what I was going to do. He left the room and I quickly grabbed my stuff and quietly running out the back door. I had just crossed the stream when I heard footsteps behind me. I picked up my speed but to no avail, a body crashed into mine from behind sending both of us to the ground. I struggled to escape but the body above me was a bit stronger. The person above me flipped me over and I see the face of Jamie Fraser. I continued to struggle even though I knew I would not win.

"Let me go!" I yelled at him. He held my arms above my head so I couldn't hit him which I was tempted to do.

"Stop lass before you hurt yourself." He said. I struggled against him, tears running down my face.

"I promised, I promised myself that I would take the red coats down." I sobbed. Jamie stroked my face wiping tears away.

"I know Alec and Isabelle very well. I know they wouldn't want you to get yourself killed taking on the red coats. You will lose and I will not see you get killed lass." He said. I just stared at him for a second and he did the same. "I know that Isabelle and Alec would have wanted you to come with me. They knew that I would protect you and protect you I will lass."

"They deserve to be avenged and I will find the red coats responsible for their deaths." I said not giving up on my cause. He sighed and shook his head.

"If you are so intent on doing this then I will help you and so will my clan." He said

"May I have your word on that?"

"Aye, you have my word." He said then stood up. He helped me up then I held out my hand to shake on it and he took one look at it then grabbed it, brought it up to his lips and kissed it.

Hope you enjoyed it
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