Chapter Sixteen

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Sorry for the wait on this chapter I had major writers block but now I'm back so here is another chapter.

Tobias Menzies as Black Jack Randall

Claire's POV

Two guards came to get me the next day. I asked them where they were taking me and all they said was that they were taking me to the Duke of Sandringham. I had heard back in my time that the Duke of Sandringham preferred the company of men instead of woman and that he protected someone. I had no clue who until now, the Duke of Sandringham was protecting Black Jack Randall. I instantly hated the man not caring if he knew that Randall was a sadistic bastard or not.

I was taken to a big sitting room where they made me sit on the couch. A man who looked in his eighties stood in front of the fireplace with his back towards me.

"I'm delighted to meet the woman who captured the attention of Jack Randall." He said turning to face me.

"I can't say I'm delighted to meet you too." I said he nodded and sat down across from me.

"It's understandable under the circumstances." He said.

"Let's skip the pleasantries and get on to what you really want." I said.

"I want you to marry Randall." He said.

"I'm already married and I love Jamie and not Randall." I said.

"What does love have to do with anything?" He said.

"I will not marry someone I don't love."

"To bad you will marry Randall and I will get your marriage to Mr.Fraser annulled." He said.

"I will do no such thing, I can't stand the sight of Randall or you for the matter." I said standing up. "I'd rather kill myself than marry him, now if that's all you wanted I would like to go back to my cell." The Duke nodded towards the guards by the door to take me back but not before he said.

"One way or another you will marry Randall." I glared at him before they took me away.

Later that night I heard yelling then a loud boom erupted. I ran to the door looking through the bars see what it was. When I didn't see anything I sighed then went to sit back on the bed but before I could I heard a voice I never thought I'd hear again.

"Claire, where are you?" Jamie yelled. I could hear him get closer.

"Jamie, I'm in here." I said running to the bars. I started crying when I saw Jamie and Murtagh come around the corner. Jamie rushed over to me and unlocked the door. How he got the key I didn't know or care. All I cared about was that he came for me. Once he got the door unlocked he threw opened the door and I jumped into his arm and hugged him.

"Sh it's okay Sassenach I got you." He said stroking my hair.

"Sorry to interrupt your greeting but we need to leave before the guards figure out our plan." Murtagh said. Jamie nodded and took my hand to lead me out. We ran down the hall and turned left towards an open door. Once out we ran down the hill towards two horses. Jamie got on the horse then Murtagh helped me on so I'm sitting in front of Jamie. We rode off toward the north which was not the way towards Lallybroch or Leoch.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We are going to the ports." He said.

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