Chapter Fourteen

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Happy by Pharrell Williams

I woke up and saw Jamie asleep in a chair. I cleared my throat to wake him up and he jumped out of his chair when he opened his eyes to find me awake.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better now" I said. "What happened?"

"You fainted lass." He said then he smiled. "The healer said you are with child." I was shocked to say the least but I was then extremely happy. I kissed him then put my hand on top of my stomach.

"Are you truly happy Jamie?" I asked.

"Aye, I truly am." He said leaning down to kiss my clothed stomach. Our moment was interrupted with a knock on the door, Jamie stood up and answered the door. Jenny walked in and headed towards me with a blank look on her face.

"I heard you are with child."

"I am" I said. Jenny smiled and laughed.

"Congratulations Claire" she said.

"Thanks Jen"

"Okay enough talk, the healer said she must rest." Jamie said.

"I've been resting that's enough for today. Jenny would you be so kind to call for a maid?" I said getting out of bed.

"Lass, get back in bed you need to rest you are weak and need your strength for the trip." He said. I turned to him confused.

"What trip?"

"We are leaving to a cottage far from here. I will not have Randall or the red coats take you from me again." He said.

"When were you planning to tell me this?" Jenny said putting her hands on her hips.

"I'm telling you right now." He said.

"And when are you planning on leaving me again."

"Tomorrow morning" he said.

"Ian and I are coming with you then."

"No you are not, you will stay here and take care of your children and Lallybroch." He said.

"I won't let you leave me again brother." Jenny said.

"We are leaving wither you like it or not." He said. Jenny began to cry then rushed out of the room. I sighed at him the decided to get dressed by myself. I ignored his protest and walked out of the room to find Jenny. I went to her room and listened for her. I heard her crying and Ian's attempt to calm her down. I knocked on their door a waited. Ian opened the door and I smiled at him.

"Let me try" I said he nodded and headed downstairs. I walked into the room then closed the door and walked over to the bed where Jenny lay with her head in the pillow. I sat down and rubbed her back and began to sing the song I sang at the lake. When I was done she had stopped crying and had sat up.

"You have a beautiful voice." She said.

"Thank you" I said. She sighed and grabbed my hand and held it in hers.

"You are married to a very stubborn man my dear." I laughed and nodded.

"Yes I am"

"I wish he would let me come with him but I understand why he doesn't think it wise for me to come. Does not mean I will not miss him."

"I know how you feel I will miss you and to know that you will not be there for the birth will be hard for me." I said.

"You'll do fine lass." She said.

"I hope so" I said. A commotion downstairs made us jump. We left the room quietly and looked over the banister to see twenty red coats in our living room. One in particular had a gun to my husband's head.

"Hand over your wife and no one will be harmed." Randall said.

"You are trespassing Randall leave and I will not kill you."

"We are here to arrested your wife." Randall said. I could see Jamie's jaw clench.

"On what charges?"

"Murder of a English woman." Randall said smirking. I saw Jenny tense and I tried to stop her but she wouldn't be stopped so I hid behind a post. Jenny stormed down the stairs with hell in her eyes.

"Claire has murdered no one and you have no warrant so be gone before I shoot you." She pulled out a gun and pointed it at Randall. All the redcoats pointed their guns at Jenny and I knew I had to do something so I took a deep breath and step out from behind the post and headed downstairs.

"Stop, I will go with you to prove my innocence." Jamie tried to go to me but Randall prevented him.

"Claire Beauchamp Fraser you are under arrests for the murder of an Englishwoman, take her away." Two of the redcoats went to grab me but Jamie punched Randall in the face sending him to the floor then rushed to me.

"Don't do this Claire think of what we have to lose." He said.

"He will kill you and Jenny if I don't go and I won't let them hurt my family." I said letting his hands go. Jamie turned to Randall and glared at him.

"If she goes I go to tis not negotiable" he said.

"Jamie stay out of this, you must stay here and protect Jenny." I said.

"I willnae leave my wife to be tortured by the redcoats alone."

"And I will not have my husband who has been through enough torture be tortured more."

"I would gladly be tortured if it meant you wouldnae have too. I can bear pain myself but I could not bear yours that would take more strength than I have." He said as tears ran down my face. I notice Jenny come up behind Jamie and raised the gun over her head. I quickly kissed Jamie as the gun hit him on the head. Jamie fell to the floor with a thump as I turned to Randall.

"If you promise to leave Jamie alone and take the price off his head I will go with you without resistance." Randall looked down at Jamie and I knew he no longer had an obsession for him so I was positive he would leave him be.

"You have a deal now come we must leave." He said. I quickly turned to Jenny and hugged her.

"Take care of him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." She nodded and I turned back to Randall and we headed outside. They put me in the back of a wagon and then we began our journey.

Hope you enjoyed it
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