Chapter Nine

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Nate Ruess- Nothing Without Love

Claire's POV

I awoke from the pain in my shoulder. I tried to sit up but a hand pushed me back down, I looked up to see it was Jamie who pushed me.

"Lie still Claire or you will tear your stitches."

"I need to sit up." I said he sighed and helped me up. I felt a little better once I was sitting up. "How long was I past out?" I asked.

"Two days, you had us all worried when you didn't wake up". He said as he sat down on the chair next to the bed. He stared at me, his eyes full of confusion and worry.

"Why did you do it?" He asked "Why did you save my life?" I knew  the answer to that question but the real question is do I have the strength to tell him. I took a deep breath and stared straight into his eyes.

"Because that's what you do when you are in love with someone." I said. Jamie smiled and kissed me.

"I love you too" he said. A knock on the door ruined the moment. Jamie sighed. "That must be Jenny, she had her baby while you were past out, it's a beautiful lass." He said then opened the door for Jenny, who was holding a baby. She walked over to me and I smiled at her.

"About time you woke up." she said.

"I'm glad I did." I said looking at Jamie, Jenny caught our looks.

"Did I interrupt something?"

"We were just talking." I said smiling at Jamie.

"Well I just wanted you to meet Margaret and once you are stronger then you can hold her." Jenny said bending down to show Margaret sleeping.

"She's beautiful" I said. I feel myself grow tired and  Jamie notice this and told Jenny that it's time for me to rest. She said her goodbyes then left. Jamie helped me to lie down and when he turned to leave I grabbed his hand and told him to stay. He climbed on to the bed beside me and I turned onto my good shoulder. He spooned me then kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight love" he said. I smiled to tired to answer.

The next morning I woke up to Jamie gone. I carefully got out of bed and struggled to put my dress on but I did it. After that I left the room and headed downstairs. I walked into the dinning room and saw Ian, Jenny, and young Jamie. My husband was not among them.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Jenny said standing up. I ignored her.

"Has anyone seen Jamie?" I asked.

"He went to talk to Colum." Ian said.

"Thank you" I said then turned to the maid that had just walked in. "Will you please send my food up to Jamie's office?" The maid nodded and then I turned and left. I did hear Jenny call me a stubborn lass and that I was perfect for Jamie. I smiled and continued walking to Jamie's office. When I entered I went over to the fireplace and sat down on a chair. The maid came in seconds later and put my tray of food on the small table beside my chair. I thanked her and she stood there for a second looking quite nervous.

"What is wrong?" I asked.

"I wanted to tell you that Ally really liked you, she had nothing bad to say about you." She said. I gave her a sad smile.

"Thank you for telling me that." She nodded and left the room. I was both angry and sad about Ally's death. I then started thinking about what if Ally was Jamie, I couldn't bear losing him and I knew that Jack Randall would stop at nothing to get me. I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to do the same thing he did to Jamie to me. I knew that Jamie would be devastated if that happened and blame himself for it. So I knew that the best possible solution was to leave the man I love and go to back to my time.

I ate quickly then hurried to the laird's room and began to pack a bag. When I finished packing I hurried to the stables, making sure I was not spotted and quickly saddled Philly then got on him. He ran towards the west where I knew the stones were. It was a three day journey and I was determined to get there in two days but I knew that since I am not traveling on the roads it will not happen. After a few hours I had to stop because of my shoulder. I stopped Philly by a pond and then got off. I sat on a rock and checked on my wounded. I heard the sound of hooves approaching and before I could hide someone stop beside me. The sun was blocking my vision so I couldn't see who it was until they spoke.

"Where do you think you are going Claire?"

Sorry it's so short I'll try to do a longer one

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