Chapter Fifteen

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So it's going be switched between Claire and Jamie's POV not sure how long but I will let you know. By the way I feel like it's almost done but I'm not sure.

Jamie's POV

I awoke to pounding in my head, I groaned and turned over reaching for Claire when I didn't find her I opened my eyes and sat up, remembering what happen I rushed out of the room and down the stairs almost to the front door when Jenny and Ian stepped in front of me. I growled a warning to them.

"Get out of my way I must save her." Ian pushed me back as I tried to get through them.

"You are not going alone plus you don't know where they went." Jenny said. I growled at them again.

"You can't come you have the kids." I said.

"We never said we were coming." Ian said. I was confused until they moved and Dougal, Angus, Rupert, Will, Murtagh and some other men came walking in.

"Come on lad let us go save Claire and kill the bastard Randall." Dougal said. I nodded and we rushed out of the house. I saw the stable boy bring my horse out from the stables and I rushed to him. I got on my horse as Jenny came up to me.

"I heard one of the redcoats say they were taking her to Fort Williams, hurry and bring back my sister-in-law." I nodded then we rode off towards Fort Williams.

Claire's POV

We made it to Fort William two days later. I was taken into the dungeons and pushed into a cell. In the medium sized cell was a small bed that was against the wall on my left and a table and two chairs in the middle of the room. I walked over to the bed and sat down then I put a hand over my stomach and whispered that everything was going to be okay. I laid down feeling tired and fell asleep.

I was awaken by the metal door opening and Randall stepping inside I immediately stood up when I saw he had a paddle and a flogger. He turned and told the two guards to leave then turned around to face me knowing that his order would be obeyed. The guards did leave locking the door behind them. Randall walked over to the table and sat down in the chair facing me. He gestured to the other chair signalling for me to take the seat across from him. I sat down in the chair and put my hands in my lap.

"Tell me Mrs.Fraser have you ever been flogged?" He asked. I stayed quiet not wanting to answer that. He banged his fist on the table making me jump. "Tell me or I'll hit you." He said

"Yes" I said. He smiled a sickly smile.

"Good" he said "Have you ever been spanked?"

"When I was a child" I said.

"Good" he said standing up and moving around the table. I got up and moved away from him. He didn't like that very much but I didn't give a damn.

"Don't you dare touch me you sadistic fucking bastard!" I yelled at him.

"You will do as I say."

"I will do no such thing and if you try to touch me I will hit you." I said. His eyes narrowed and he took a step forward.

"Do not threaten me!" He yelled "You don't own me I will do as I please."

"Then so will I" I said. We heard footsteps and the door opened to reveal two guards.

"Sir, The Duke of Sandringham is here he says he must speak with you right away it's urgent." Randall growled taking his flogger and paddle and stalked out of the room followed by the two guards closing and locking the door on the way out.

Jamie's POV

We had arrived in the village outside of Fort William in the dead of night. We took shelter in the house of a friend of the Mackenzies then went scouting the location. We argued about how we will save Claire and came up with nothing until Murtagh came up with a good idea. We would use bulls to create a distraction while Murtagh and I sneak into a door that we had found while scouting then grab Claire and leave. Once we decided that we would do the plan tomorrow the men got some sleep. I couldn't sleep so I stayed up and went over the plan again to make sure there were no mistakes.

"You should get some sleep lad." Murtagh said sitting down across from me.

"I won't be able to sleep till I get Claire back." I said. Murtagh sighed

"We both know Randall will not give up until he has found her again. What are we going to do about that?"

"I'll take her to France we have family there that would take us in." I said. Murtagh nodded and I realized that I hadn't told him about the baby. "Claire is with child."

"Congratulations" he said

"Thanks" I said

Hope you enjoyed that
Sorry its so short
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