Chapter Eight

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In this chapter I'm switching POV between Claire and Jamie. I will let you know when I'll turn it to Jamie's and when its back to Claire
21 Guns by Green Day

A few days later I was sitting by a river close to Lallybroch with my maid Ally. I came out here to have fun and relax so that's exactly what I'm doing. As we played in the river I heard a gunshot and I looked over at Ally to see blood soak her dress. As I tried to get to her I was grabbed from behind.

"Let me go, she needs help!" I cried.

"No time for that, Captain Randall wants a word with you." A redcoat said as he covered my mouth and dragged me to a wagon before someone hits me over the head and everything goes black.

Jamie's POV

I believe the choices we make make us the person we are today. Mine is no different. My choice to come back from France lead me into a fight with the redcoats, which lead me to meet Claire, and meeting Claire lead me to slowly becoming friends with her, which lead me to marrying her, which then lead me to slowly falling in love with her.

Aye, I'm in love with Claire Fraser, Claire Fraser, still sounds so foreign to me but at the same time it sounds right. I never thought I would find someone that I would want to spend my days with but I did and wouldn't trade it for the world.

Ian rushed in and his face looked grim. I quickly stood up.

"What's wrong Ian?" I asked.

"We found Ally by the river shot, before she died she told us that the redcoats have Claire. She said that the man who took her said that Black Jack wanted a word with her." Ian said. My face turned red and I picked up a chair and threw it at the wall in anger, then I looked over at Ian.

"Prepare a horse I'm going after her." I said walking towards the door. Ian grabbed my arm to stop me. I yanked my arm out of his grip and turned towards the door to see Jenny standing there with her arms folded across her chest.

"You are not going alone James Fraser, I already sent for the Mackenzies if you but wait a moment they will accompany you." She said.

I knew she was right but I hated to think what that bastard Randall was doing to my precious Claire.

Claire's POV

I awoke to see Randall standing above me. I looked around to see I'm in a office probably his office. I tilted my head back so I can see him better and he just stared at me with blank eyes.

"You're breaking the law Mr. Randall, you can not take a Scot against their will." I said.

"Why are you living at Lallybroch if you said you are living at Leoch, perhaps your husband lives there?"

"It is none of your bloody business." I snarled at him.

He raised his hand and before I could duck he hit me across the face. I bit my lip not giving him the satisfaction of hearing my cries. He didn't like that so he tried to hit me again but I kicked him in the groin. He fell to the ground and I jump up off the chair and almost made it to the door when Randall grabbed my waist and pushed me onto a table. He grabbed the bottom of my dress and was going to rip it with a knife he pulled from his boot when the shutters burst open and Jamie appeared with a gun in his hand.

"I'll thank ye to take your hands off my wife" he said.

"Oh lord if it isn't Jamie Fraser, how's my handwork looking theses days?" Randall said.

"Very well now release my wife now." Jamie said.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, you see this woman has offend me so I must punish her." Randall said.

"Hit her and I will blow your head off." Jamie said getting off the window seal.

"I don't think you will" he said "if you shoot me my guards will be in here in seconds, so I suggests you put the gun down on the table or I'll kill her." Randall said pressing the knife to my neck.

"Jamie, run just run." I said.

"I won't leave you here." Jamie said.

"How touching the beast and the whore." He said "Now do as I say." Jamie walked over and put the gun on the table then backed away. Randall grabbed the gun and tried to shoot Jamie but I kicked him in the groin and ran to Jamie just as the gun went off and I felt blood soak my right shoulder. Jamie looked shocked like he didn't know the gun was not empty as he caught me and everything went dark once again.

Jamie's POV

Randall tried to shoot me but failed when the gun wouldn't shoot. I growled and lunged at Randall knocking him down to the ground. Randall's head hit the edge of the table on his way down and was knocked out. I stood and picked up Claire and quickly left the room before redcoats came. I found the place where we were to meet Rupert and Angus without being spotted. We hid behind some trees so I could tend to Claire's wound.

I was so worried because she had past out but as long as she was breathing I knew she was a fighter, all Frasers are fighters. Once I had properly bandaged her shoulder I gave Claire to Rupert to hold while I got on my horse. Once on my horse Rupert carefully handed Claire to me. I put her in front of me and wrapped her in my tartan. Her head fell onto my shoulder as we rode back to Lallybroch. And all I could think of is why did she do it and it should be me with the bullet wound in their shoulder.

Hope you enjoyed it
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