Chapter Seventeen

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Again sorry for the slow update I have no excuse. I think this will be the last chapter.I don't think I will do a sequel.

We rode hard for several days till we got to the port. Jamie told me we were leaving Scotland and going to France. Murtagh was coming with us while the others were staying behind. I said my goodbyes and got on the longboat. The longboat took us to the ship and we sailed for France.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Jamie asked. I sighed and began to speak. I told him everything, including the part where the Duke of Sandringham wanted me to marry Randall and agree to annual our marriage. Jamie was furious with Sandringham but I told him we probably won't see him again so he should let it go. I was glad to hear that during the escape Jamie and the others had found out who killed Isabelle and Alec and killed them.

"So what are we going to do in France?" I asked.

"Don't know, probably stay with my cousin for a time until I find us a proper place." Jamie said. I nodded and looked out the horizon and thought back to all the things that we have been through. I smiled over the fond memories and I knew there would be more with the baby coming. I do hope it is a girl and I wish to name her Faith. She would look just like her father.

"What are you thinking about Sassenach?" Jamie asked. I smiled before turning to him.

"I was think about our baby and how I want her to look like you." I said.

"You think it's a girl?" Jamie said.

"Yes, she will have your eyes, hair and nose and she'll have my smile and chin."

"Well our son will have your hair, eyes, smile, nose but he'll have my chin." He said.

"Well I have a feeling it's going to be a girl and her name will be Faith." I said.

"If it is a boy I think his name should be Oliver." Jamie said.

"Let's make a deal then" I said "if it's a girl we'll name her Faith if it's a boy we'll name him Oliver."

"Deal" Jamie said coming up behind me and hug me.

"I love you Jamie Fraser"

"I love you too Claire Fraser"

Hoped you liked it
Did any of you see the latest episode? I did and was like "why am I watching this it's so sad"
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