Chapter Seven

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Warning Sexual Intercourse if you don't like it skip it
Pillow Talk by Zayn Malik

We headed back to the tavern and were shown to our room for the night. I was so nervous and I could see a hint of nervousness in Jamie's eyes too.

He poured us a drink then handed me a glass. I took a big gulp as the alcohol went down my throat it stung. Jamie sat down on a chair by the fire and drank his. I walked over and sat across from him.

"Tell me about your parents." I said. He told me all about his parents, what they were like, how they met and how they died. I then told him more about my parents. Slowly but surly we began to trust each other more and I got enough courage to stand up and straddle Jamie's lap. We stared at each other then leaned in and began to kiss. It wasn't a deep kiss just a slow and gentle kiss. Jamie cupped my face and groaned. I broke the kiss and stared at him. "Where did you learn to kiss like that?"

"I am a virgin not a monk" he said smiling. I nodded standing up, he followed me and I trailed my hands up and down his arms before stepping back.

"Take off your clothes" I said "I want to look at you." He slowly took off his shirt and threw it on the floor then took off his kilt and dropped it too. I explored his body with my eyes, hands, and lips. Touching and kissing his scars then running my hands across his chest.

Before I could wrap my hand around his cock he grabbed my hand and turned me around to undo the laces on the back of my dress. Once he got my dress and undergarments off he trailed his fingers down my back making me shiver in pleasure. He kissed my shoulder then turned me around and stepped back examining me. I took a deep breath and took a step forward.

"Haven't you ever seen a naked woman before?" I asked.

"Not one so close" he said cupping my breast "And not one that's mine." He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs round his waist as he lays us down on the bed. He gently thrusts into me and I moan. He continues his gentle slow thrusting until I had had enough.

"Please Jamie, harder and faster." I begged. He picked up the pace and rammed into me. I cried out my pleasure and he responded with his grunts as we came.

Jamie rolled onto his back and we just laid there trying to get our breathing under control. Once we did I curled up next to my husband and we both fell asleep.

The next morning we awoke to the sound of someone knocking. Jamie made sure I was covered before grabbing a blanket to cover himself and opened the door. Murtagh stood there in the doorway and informed us that we would be leaving for Lallybroch in fifteen minutes and if we wanted breakfast we should hurry. Jamie closed the door and walked toward my side of the bed.

"Good morning Claire." He said giving me a kiss. I smiled and said it back. Someone knocked on the door again and Jamie swore as he went to open the door that if it was one of the Mackenzies he would kick there arse. I laughed as he opened the door and a maid came in saying she had brought some clothes for me to wear and that she would help me dress. I thanked her before getting out of bed, taking notice that Jamie stared at my naked body as he dressed. Once he finished dressing he gave me a kiss before leaving the room. I followed him a few minutes later.

Once we finished breakfast we all got on our horses and rode off. While on the horses Dougal told me that while Jamie and I were consummating our marriage he had went down to Fort Williams with Rupert and Angus to tell Randall that I was a Scot now and would not be coming to the interrogation. I thanked him for helping me and he said it was no problem.

We arrived in Lallybroch two days later. Once off my horse who I had name Philly, I said goodbye to the Mackenzies and went inside. Jamie and Murtagh stayed outside with them I didn't mind I was tired and hungry. As I made my way to the kitchen I ran into Jenny and her son Jamie named after my husband because he was born while Jamie was in France.

"Welcome back, how was the trip?" Jenny asked

"I've had better trips." I said walking into the kitchen. Jenny and young Jamie followed me.

"Mrs Cook, could you please take Jamie upstairs for his nap."

"Yes Ma'am" Mrs. Cook said taking Jamie's hand and leading him out of the room. I grabbed a biscuit and an apple before sitting down and began to eat. Jenny sat across for me setting a glass of water she had poured for me in front of me.

"Thank you" I said as I took a sip.

"You're welcome, now tell me what happened." She said. I told her everything that had happen from the fight for my honor, to the joke I made which had her laughing, to the kidnapping, to telling Jamie I was raped, to marrying Jamie, though I skipped the wedding night to spare her the graphic details of her brother's sex life and by the end she had calm down her anger enough to congratulate me on my wedding and that if she had known she would have come. After a few more minutes I excused myself before going up to the laird's room and laying down for a nap. I awoke when I felt an arm go around my waist. I over to see Jamie smiling at me.

"I didn't mean to wake you." He said. I shook my head and yawned.

"It's okay" I said turning around so my front was touching his. "Are the Mackenzies gone?" I asked.

"Aye, they went to tell Colum what happened." He said then his smile disappeared. "We have news about why  Alec and Isabelle were murder." I sat up and my face went pale.

"Tell me" I said.

"Alec was accused of murdering redcoats but before he could be taken to jail a redcoat who was friends with one of the men that Alec was accused of murdering decided to take it into his own hands and killed Alec." he said "From what I heard, Isabelle tried to stop them but was shot and killed before Alec's eyes."

"Bloody bastards!" I yelled getting up to pace.

"We have yet to get the killers name but when we do we will get the bastard." He said.

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