Chapter Thirteen

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When I awoke I immediately recognized where we were, I looked at Jamie over his shoulder and he looked both sad and determined. He got off his horse and helped me down, he lead me up the hill to the stones.

"Why are we here?" I asked. He turned towards me and took my hands.

"Claire, you must go home there's nothing here for you but violence and despair."

"Nothing is there for me either, at least here I have you."

"Tis safe there tis not safe here." He said

"I don't care if it's safe I rather be unsafe with you then be safe without you." I said feeling tears run down my face.

"Don't be stubborn, go and live a better life Claire."

"James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser I will not leave you and if you force me to I will kill myself." I said quickly grabbing his dagger from his sheath and putting it to my neck. Jamie's eyes widen and he step toward me as I took a step backward. "I can't and won't live without you, so it's either I kill myself right here in front of you or you take me with you and never let me go. It's your choice." He stared at me then sighed.

"Give me the dagger and let's go." I smiled and gave him the dagger. Once he had it back in the sheath he grabbed me and kissed me hard.

"Don't ever do that again Sassenach." He said pulling back. I smiled and nodded.

"So where to now?" I asked as we headed down the hill to his horse.

"Back to Lallybroch" he said as he helped me onto his horse before climbing on in front of me. We rode hard for several days wanting to get as far away from the trial as possible. When we arrived it was nearly dark, we were greeted by the stable boy who once we were off Jamie's horse took the horse away. We climbed the stairs into the castle where we were greeted by a angry Jenny and her calm husband.

"What the hell were you thinking running off like that!"

"Jenny, right now is not the time for harsh words, look at her and you can tell she's injured." Ian said as Jamie lead me to the stairs. Before we could reach it Jenny ripped off my shawl to stop me. Jamie quickly covered me up but not quick enough for Jenny not to see the angry looking welts on my back. Jenny gasped while Ian looked away. Jenny tried grabbing the shawl again but Jamie stopped her.

"Don't Jenny" he said. Jenny let her arm drop.

"Who did that?" Jenny asked.

"The town guards" Jamie said continuing to lead me to the stairs. "Can you please send up some warm water for us to bathe in please?" He said before taking me up to our room. Once there he sat me on our bed then sat down next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder and groaned in pain. Jamie stroked my hair trying to soothe my pain.

Two maids walked in with a tub and three more came in with buckets of water. They set the tub by the fire place then the three maids poured the water in the tub. They left once they finished then Jamie help me undress. I stepped into the tub to really warm water. I slowly lowered myself down and hissed when the water touched my welts. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jamie's jaw clench.

"I'm okay" I said as I am finally all the way in. Jamie relaxed grabbing a rag and soap bar from the table and began washing my body. Once he was done he lifted me out of tub and set me on our bed then he grabbed a towel from the mantle and started drying me off. Once he finished he helped me into bed.

"I must tend to some things before I can come to bed, sleep now Sassenach." He said. I nodded to tired to argue. He kissed my forehead before leaving the room. I fell asleep the moment he left. The next morning I woke to the feeling of being sick. I got out of bed and rushed over to the chamberpot forget the pain in my back I bent over and threw up in it. I felt hands pull my hair back and once I finished throwing up I turned to see it was Jamie. He carried me over to the bed and set me down.

"Are you okay Sassenach?" He asked.

"I'm okay but I think I need the healer." I said before fainting.

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