Chapter 18: New Alpha

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Nicolas Griffin

I was surprised that Liz didn't already know she was a born leader. I mean, everyone at school knew that. These wolves even knew it, for crying out loud!

"I'm an Alpha?" She whispered more to herself than anyone else. But I decided to answer her anyway.

"You are an Alpha, Liz. My Alpha. You were born to lead."

All the wolves around us barked in agreement. I could only imagine what they were telling her. She ran up to Hunter and Chelsea and hugged them. Liz whispered something to them that I couldn't hear, then looked around at the rest of them.

"Thank you." She whispered.

They ran to her and nuzzled or licked her. All but one. I saw how the old wolf looked at her with sadness and a longing to speak to her, but he didn't. All of his emotions disappeared when Liz looked at him. A blank emotion plastered in his eyes.

She walked towards to me after saying her goodbyes and turned to look at the old wolf one last time before leaving with me.

"Why did that wolf not come up to you like the rest?" I asked.

"He never has. Chelsea said that ever since I found the pack, he stopped talking when I was around. No one ever mentions anything about his name or why he doesn't like me, so I let it go." She sighed sadly.

"When you weren't looking at him, I saw how sad he was that he wasn't with you." I said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I know he wants to talk, but he refuses to. Out of all the pack members, I feel the strongest bond with him. There is something inside me that tells me he was an important part of my life at one point in time. Heck, he still could be." Liz let a single tear slide down her cheek before composing herself.

"Oh my god! Did I just see the almighty fearless Alpha cry?" I asked teasingly.


Elizabeth Williams

I snarled at Nick's teasingly question, trying to hide the smile overcoming on my face.

"You dare talk to me in that way? I am your Alpha. You are to treat me with respect. Am I clear?" I said in a commanding Alpha tone that I never knew I had.

"Y-Yes. I-I'm sorry I upset you, I didn't mean to hurt your pride or anything." He cowered down as if trying to make sure I didn't hit him.

"Oh my god." I gasped. "I'm so sorry. I don't know where that came from Nick. I didn't mean what I said."

He got up cautiously. "It's ok, Liz. You're a great Alpha. You deserve respect from anyone around you. Now who are you going to lead me to next?"

"Ok, bear, deer, cougar, or fox?" I asked.

He yawned and I looked up at the dark thunder clouds over head.

"You know what? We will visit each one of my friends on different days so we can spend the whole afternoon with them. Right now, we need to get back to my house before the rain gets us all wet." I stated.

"If we are wolves, then our humans should remain dry. Right?"

"No. If one form gets wet, so does the other. I thought you would know that, coming from a rainy state and everything." I looked at him as if he were crazy.

"I didn't go outside on rainy days. I didn't want my fur all weird looking like the normal wolf pelts do when they're wet." He said.

We ran in a comfortable silence back to my house. Well, I did at least. Nick and I spilt ways so he could go get his truck back from school.

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