The Task

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Hannah POV

I look around at the Elders, we have gathered today because my father has called an important meeting. As my father and mother enter we all stand. "As you all know, that I have decided it has become time to pass on my heritage to my daughter. Who at the end of this school year, following that she can do a simple task, will become your new leader and master." All the elders bowed to my father.

"Hannah my darling, you have been faithful, for the past 2 years you have followed my training spot on. I have never been more proud of you. So tonight I am giving you your task, it will be challenging, and if you succeed I know you shall be ready."

I nodded to my father, "What is it father?"

"Your task is to keep Miss Roberts alive for the school year," All the elders gasped and I was confused. So all I had to do was keep a human alive for a few months and I took the throne. My thoughts jumped to how easy this was going to be, our family did not prey on humans. We didn't use mind games or tricks, we respected humans, because before we were turned into monster's we were humans. We had live donors who willing donated blood, we paid them very well for their donations, and knew their fate if they every uttered a word.

"My darling, the task is not as easy as you seem for it to be, as you will find out in the morning. My decision has been made, please do not disappoint me." My father exited the room and everybody was looking at me. I made my way to my room, as a vampire I never really slept, so the days did seem long.

I was thinking about my father's words, why would being around another human be a challenge, and why would keeping her alive, be so important. I went to a school were humans roamed the halls everyday. Only vampires that had been accepted into our family were allowed at the school, we never allowed a rogue because the harm they could cause to a human. My training over the past few years have been intense, I now can hear others thoughts, my senses have heightened 100x. The only ability I lack is to see the future, my father is the only one who can do this. Apparently you inherit those skills when you become the throne leader.

Daylight came quickly, no we are not like the vampires you read about, I can walk in the sun, I don't glitter, holy water and crosses do not harm me. Garlic will make me sick, but will not kill me, the only way to kill a vampire is with a stake through the heart. I made my way into the school, I picked up on a new scent immediately, I could feel my insides tingling. It's the sensation of when you want to feed, but I ate this morning, so I wouldn't get this feeling. I could smell Vanilla, that was new also. We must have a new student or something.

I walked into the office and was handed my schedule, I technically only had 3 classes, but I also had signed up for the teacher aide program. I noticed I had Miss Roberts twice. I knew it was the work of my father, I needed to be around her as much as possible, since I needed to protect her. I took a deep breath and my nose curled, "Wolves." I turned to find Trent and his group of dogs. Our families had made an agreement years ago, we stay off their property, they stay off ours, school was mutual grounds. Our fathers were friends, but me and Trent were not, I didn't trust the wolves and I wouldn't start now.

I made my way up to the room of the person I was suppose to protect, the smell got stronger, and my desire grew. When I opened the door, the scent almost took me to the floor, I could feel my fangs, and my eyes started to darken, I shook my head, "Damnit" I mumbled to myself, gathering myself back together. We were not allowed to show our true form in school to anybody.

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