Shape Shifter

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Hannah POV

I just ran out of the house, I couldn't be around anybody right now. All that seems to be happening around me was death, and I didn't know how to handle it. All I could see was Trent's father in his wolf form lifeless. I knew Trent wasn't mad at me, but I would be. If I would have done the research sooner, found out we had kidnapped Meredith's son, maybe his father would still be alive.

He told me that his father knew he would be Alpha soon, which meant that Trent also knew that his father would die. I really don't know how far I had ran until Zander finally caught up with me. "Go away I want to be alone." I snapped at him.

"Your father sent me to bring you home." He snapped back at me.

"You think you can do that?" I was asking for a fight, just because my anger was getting the better of me.

"Hannah, I'm not going to fight with you, I know your upset with what happened, but you didn't know. Your father says we have planning that needs to be done, and he's also tired of you leaving Quinn behind, when you should be there with her."

"Do I look like I give a fuck what my father says," I said turning quickly showing him my fangs.

He just sighed, "You really don't want to do this."

I just laughed at him, "Oh but I think I do," before I finished the sentence I was already charging him. He just stepped out of the way and I ran right by him.

"I'm not going to fight you, so you might as well stop." He said turning on his heels showing me his fangs as well.

"What's the matter, scared I might hurt you." I said charging at him once more.

I heard a growl echo through the forest from Zander, He grabbed me around the waist and slammed me to the ground. "Stop Hannah, I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, but you need to get your shit together." He growled at me.

"You forgot one thing Zander, I made you, so that means I can destroy you." I said punching him in the stomach and sending him flying into a tree.

He just stood up and shook his head, "so you would rather fight then one's trying to help you, other than the ones who are trying to destroy us. Fine by me." He said charging at me faster than I expected. He hit me solid in the stomach sending me flying backwards. I let out a loud growl as I was standing, I went to charge him, but before I could make my next move I was pinned against the tree behind me.

"STOP, both of you," My father growled his warning at both of us. Zander quickly obeyed his order, but I did not. My anger was out of control, and I did something very stupid. I hit my father across the face, growling at him.

I'm not sure if anger or hurt flashed through his eyes, as he turned his back to me. "You've under estimated me Hannah," my father growled, grabbing me around the throat and slamming me into the tree. "I may not have made you, but I sure as hell can destroy you." He growled bringing his fangs to my face.

I had never seen my father this way, he was always sweet and kind, but right now he was being the monster we were made to be. "I was a fool to believe you could ever be the heir to the throne, you are not my daughter anymore." He growled getting closer.

"Father please, I'm sorry," I begged as his gripped tightened, I could feel his nails digging into my neck.

"Apologizes will only get you so far in life Hannah, you want to be a monster, I'm going to show you what a monster can do." He said opening his mouth and moving towards my neck. I just closed my eyes and waited for the death I had so long dreamed for, but now I didn't want to die, all I could think about was Quinn.

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