It's What's On The Inside

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Quinn POV

The next few days were hectic to say the least.  Everyone was amazed at how fast Zander adjusted.  He had no deserve to feed off humans, and he was loving his new found skills.  Collin had went to his parents, and some how convinced them to let him live at their house.  I'm not sure how he did it, and I really didn't want to know.

Hannah had been extremely quiet through those days, I knew the fact that she had to turn her best friend was bothering her.  The night that I watched her change him, was strange to me.  I thought I would have been scared at what I saw, but in the end I wasn't.  She didn't see it as saving his life, she saw it as making the rest of his life a living hell.

The fact that she had the ability to create eternity was intriguing.  I didn't understand why she didn't use it more.  I was in the dining room with Collin.  "Why was it so hard for Hannah to change him?" I asked.

He looked up from his reading, "Giving some one eternal life is not a gift Quinn.  You take away their human form.  Things that you enjoyed as human, you can no longer enjoy.  For instance the weather, the taste of food, the emotions of being a human.  Hannah has struggled for a long time with who she has become.  I've always been proud of her, refusing to turn someone.  Just remember one thing for me Quinn. She has a lot of baggage under that murky water, but she really is beautiful on the inside,"  Collin said winking at me.

I dropped my fork at his last comment.  I heard him chuckle to himself, before consuming himself back into his paperwork.  It all was coming full circle.  Both him and my mother tried to tell me to quit looking at what I saw, and what was on the inside.  Yes I saw Hannah as a vampire, and vampire only.  Just like I saw the lake just as water, but I had refused myself to see that she might actually still be decent.

"Shit," I mumbled jumping up from the table.

"She's not here, she's out with Zander."  Collin said not looking up, but I could tell he was smiling.  I was kicking myself in the ass for not attempting to see her from the inside.  How could I be so judgmental?  I just sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"You know there is a way to get her back her quickly."  I just turned and looked at him confused.  At that time there was a loud noise behind me, causing me to jump and my heart beat was in my throat.  Within thirty seconds the front door flung open.

"What happened are you ok?"  Hannah came running in tripping over the vase that had fell to the floor.

I heard Collin giggle, and I knew he had done it on purpose.  Hannah looked between me and him and I just shook my head.  "Yeah, the vase falling just scared me, but since your back, can we talk?" I asked her.

She looked confused but nodded her head.  We were sitting in the grass in the back yard, I was laughing at Zander as he flew through the trees like a monkey.  "Why was it so hard for you?" I asked her.

She just looked at me and back to Zander.  "Eternal life is not all that amazing Quinn.  People come and people go.  He's going to watch his family grow old and die.  Eventually he's going to have to do it where they don't see him.  Just think in 20 years he can't go knocking on the door still looking seventeen.  Do you know what kind of problems that would cause.  How do you think he will feel when he finally realizes that.  Right now life is great, but when people start to come and go like life is suppose to be.  It's not so great anymore."  I watched her, amazed at her maturity.  "I guess I got lucky, since my family was turned.  That doesn't mean I haven't had friends whose moved on, that I had to leave behind so I would never get questioned.  It sucks, to let people in, and then when you see them aging, just leave them behind for no reason, and no explanation."  She turned her head away from me, I felt bad for her.

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